/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Previous thread: What are you working on, Any Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/languages/C .html

head pats and pair programming with invisible girl!

thank you for not using a tranime picture

>pair programming

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Optimising some shitty code at work. Its been pretty fun so far, I've got the run time down from around 5 minutes to about 10 seconds. The code that I've added does a lot of searching, so I'm thinking off adding in some red-black trees, and leveraging that O(1) amortised time on insert to keep the creation of the trees O(n), so I don't going any more time doing nlog(n) sort. Not sure if that will work though, or if its a lot of additional work for no more gains than just a sort and binary search.

n insertions on a self sorting data structure is still n*log(n) and is also a lot slower than just sorting an array

Yeah I'm figuring that's what will happen.

just some video editing i guess

actual old thread since OP a baka

I told my friend today that I was too stupid for tech and he agreed.
Now i just wanna prove him wrong by learning to code but ive tried before and memorizing everything was hard. How did you learn to code user?

>I told my friend today that I was too stupid for tech and he agreed.
>How did you learn to code user?
by learning to use google first, followed by reading a book

Holy shit so this setting exists
"search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder": "recency"
This bugged me long enough

I wanted to improve my vim skills so I am going through Learn Vimscript the Hard Way (learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/)
Currently starting the last third of the book where he starts getting deep into vimscript. The thing is, is it really worth it to learn vimscript? Considering I already switched to neovim and plan on porting my init.vim to lua, and that the majority of modern plugins use Lua.
Vimscript seems like a pain in the ass so I am wondering if it is really worth it to learn it in g:current_year or should I just start learning lua?

>What are you working on, Any Forums?
added fft visualization to my music player
the whole fft was implemented in less then 50 loc
also added a rpc system so that it can be controlled and send notifications remotely

Attached: 220809-231246.png (1366x768, 1.23M)

slept for like a couple hours tonight.

Been putting some more time into my immutable thread pool. Pretty cool project so far.

Is there any reason someone would want a thread pool and task list to be moveable or copyable?

Today I finally got my first real side project in a working state. It's temporal dynamic network analysis on a data set I've been working with. Uses Python and R. Pretty proud of myself desu senpai. I started programming this time 2 years ago just for fun, teaching myself.

Question for C++ chads: Are there any credentialed online courses in algorithms that use C++ as the teaching language? The reason I ask is I'm trying to do prerequisites for this master's degree in compsci, and they require an OOP and Algorithms class, but it's taught in Java. However, C++ aligns more with my interests long term so wanted to see if I could address this prereq with C++ classes.

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Trying to find the absolute ultimate C tutorial, course or book.

Pretty cool, how many lines of code and what cpp standard are you using?

Sorry user, not sure of any good cpp courses.

I mostly just watch CPPcon videos on youtube these days. Get to hear from industry professionals and even researchers there.

www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/languages/C .html
here, fren. Care to help me?

nevermind kek I found this on same site

it's R and python, around 300 lines python, 100 in R
no problem thanks fren
>ctrl+f 'algorithms'
>0 results
thanks anyway, looks like a good resource

Ah sorry, didn't read the 'algorithms part.
Have you tried libgen dot rs there's tons of books there!