Explain this one, nazis

Explain this one, nazis

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zyklon B is a delousing agent.

bait /thread hidden.


Being Jewish is a trump card. Blue eyes are now irrelevant

They would still be shot in the head

>Drumpf card

>mfw hitler had brown eyes

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>not an argument

Not sating your addiction, user.

lol u have no argument.
typical tight wing cuck

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his mother was also jewish if i remember correctly. we was nothing like the aryan race he so described. one of them self loathing jews i reckon.

He had blue eyes, you absolute mongoloids.


* and crooked kike nose.

hitler wanted to kill babies in a twist to also stop the jews

untrue. he was brown haired brown eyed and half jewish. not blonde hair and blue eyed like the aryans.

Hitler was also a closet faggot.

hitler was a self hating jew

You don’t know shit about Mein Fuhrer. He only wanted to kill Jews, faggots, retards and the genetically sick. Non-Aryans would be subject races or kept at bay to live their own lives.

hitler was a *jew


besides, they just don't know about the final Bic pen ink solution.

pretty common trait among their people. i wonder what if he knew what the future would hold and was an unsung hero? he tried to stop the lizard people and lost.

Watch this doco.
white supreamcists hate it cos it proves hitler was a fag,

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he knew he had exemplary marks and once he found out his prestige would be stolen he shot himself.