Krushes GNOME

>Krushes GNOME

Attached: kde.png (1200x1200, 18.19K)

Why can't we be friends? :(

Attached: 1687px-Gnomelogo.svg.png (1687x2048, 56.23K)

>is still shit

>two retards in a wheelchair try to beat up each others

gnome is shit and kde is shit, what's wrong with you faggots, why do you keep using gay ass software that is ultra bloat and takes up precious screen real estate? it's like you WANT to use bad software

I like gnome because of the Overview feature. Nautilus sucks tho.

>memory leaks
>makes you lose all your work
>ruins your day

KDE has several overview features. There's one just like Windows 10. The default shortcuts are retarded, though.


Attached: 1660090983966835.jpg (960x540, 123.72K)

Good analogy user. Jimmy stutters and Timmy is fast.

KringeDE can't compete wIth CHADNOME THOUGH

I'm comfy on MATE

i like kde but i have issues with dolphin. i'm not smart enough to prove it's actually dolphin's fault. but i just have so many issues with transfer speeds, moving files, mounting thumb drives, on and on. it crashes more than anything else on my desktop.

Attached: gnome_bitches.png (548x548, 412.12K)

Meanwhile in footland:
>removes features you're relying on


just fork it before the feature was removed mate

GNOME's design strategy is as follows:
>The approach I’ve taken in creating this strategy follows a fairly standard format: analyse the market, research user needs, identify and analyse competitors, then use that data to design a product which will succeed in the current desktop market. The main goal is to offer a product which meets user needs better than the alternatives.

>People nowadays are used to software that does its job well, is easy to use, and generally looks good.

>This makes GNOME’s job harder. Being OK is no longer good enough. People’s expectations have been raised: they are less inclined to accept poor quality software than they were in the past, and it’s harder to produce something that excites them.

absolute truth

no shit you inbred

Why did the GNOME developers decide to make GNOME look like a tablet UI?