I'm tired of the government telling us what we can or can't do with our bodies...

I'm tired of the government telling us what we can or can't do with our bodies. What happened to the rugged individualism that this country was founded on? I thought this was the land of the free.
But no. We have unelected officials telling us we can't do thing because it could kill. Because it's not safe.
Having a legal and regulated option is significantly safer than having to go through the black market or rig some shit up in your house.
This country is declining. What was once the greatest and most free country on earth now pales compared to even 3rd world shitholes. I want my fucking juul pods, assholes.
>pic unrelated

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Why you post a pic of a house nigger?

Less abortion means more black babies. Are you racist or something?

Black Lives Matter

>noooo you cant abort your baby, use safe sex and make sure it dowsnt exist in the first place

>noooo, you cant use that drug its bad for you and dangerous, become an alcoholic instead

>nooooo, dont watch that kind of porn, go watch beheading videos of the cartel instead

>noooo, you cant be that girls gf, shes too young and pure, let the high school football team run a train on her instead of your old ass dating her

>nooooo, you cant pay for sex, take her to a bar and pay for her dinner instead.

That's why the government needs to pull back it's reach. States should govern themselves and the feds handle banking and military. The rest should be up to the states. The problem with federal laws is it only benefits half the country. If Cali passes laws for it's self chances are most Californians stand behind it or they would have moved long ago. If the feds pass a law that Cali likes Texas will hate it.

Ok James Earl Jones it's time to go to sleep

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You say this like each state is a monolith when it comes to its citizens.

>Rugged individualism
>Help me big gov
pic one

Sounds like you're grasping for straws
Also, abortion isn't banned in all states

>noooo, you cant be that girls gf, shes too young and pure
Unironically yes

Put whatever you want in your body, I don’t give a shit. A fetus isn’t your body so you don’t have a right to end it for your convenience

This meme doesn’t make sense. Biden disapproved of the Roe vs wade decision

Imagine being an unironic agecuck when its more known than ever how promiscuous people are even when they are young.

>You say this like each state is a monolith when it comes to its citizens.
They are moreso than at the national level. That's why most legislation is reserved for the States in our Constitution.
Likewise the States have the option to delegate to county/local governments.
If you mandate something at the Federal level then the States and local governments don't even get a chance to decide for themselves.

If you dont have the right to terminate a fetus, what gives anyone the right to create one? Its not like this person was asked if they want to exist or not.

>the states being able to take away your freedom is better than the federal government protecting those freedoms
jesus christ, the hoops you people will jump through to try to justify this in your heads while still aligning yourself to your party are insane

I disagree. Look at senate races where beto almost beat ted cruz and thats in texas the big conservative state. This idea that states are better than the feds is simplistic. The problem is any government inposing its will on people. If people say its only practical that fine but to act like its really so much more moral for a state government to inpsoe its will on someone comapred to the feds is not convincing to me

Based statement. Any government that oppresses people by forcibly inposing its will on its citizens is a terrible thing. It might be practical but i cant see it as anything good.

You chose to have sex, you chose to accept the risk that comes with that.

>A melted fruit gusher growing inside you living a depending on your body isn’t your body guys I swear
>You have to give up your body’s rights because someone else’s feelings get hurt when you remove an actual parasite but it yeah know eventually it will grow into a human so it’s okay
>You can put whatever into your body, you just can’t take it out

The "rugged individualists" all left some time before you mandates funding shit you don't want under threat of imprisonment or death. Until you abolish tax you are basically China with niggers.

Dogs and other animals get horny too, you a zoophile?
Imagine being such a libido cuck, you fuck something just because it’s horny

he did it to the masses, but he's our retard and double agent, catholics keep winning, TRUST THE PLAN

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>that handle

>Don’t want a baby? Just be abstinent!!
Being an incel in an abortion argument is like living on easy mode

The fruit gusher growing inside you has its own brain waves and it’s own DNA, that factually isn’t your body anymore.
>an actual parasite
It’s this actually how you see human life, you must be fucking miserable

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Mighty diverse and inclusive of you fren

Explain how this would be any different from arguing that a person should not have an std treated due to some idea that treating stds is wrong even though treatment is available?

You ever heard of fucking birth control and condoms. Yes those only work 90% of the time but again your actions have consequences.

Explain why having sex would be wrong with something that wants to have sex?

A unborn child is fundamentally different than a fucking STD faggot

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do you actually believe that aborting a fetus is the same as murdering a child? Or is this just so you can stick it to the libs?

So birth control and condoms are ok but abortions are not. Why?

Is there really a moral difference between a baby a week after birth and a baby a week before birth

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Because you aren’t committing infanticide when you put on a rubber

wtf, no one is aborting babies a week before they are born dude

Ok and how is abortion somehow so much worse than birth control like a condom or a pill? Is preventing existence to begin at all really that big of an improvement?

I’m libertarian and I agree fuck religious zealots in the gop

So its because of some magic term? The baby in one case never exists ever. In the other case it dies within a few weeks. How is not ever existing better for that person?

You sure about that, my brother was born two weeks prematurely and I know for a fact that plenty of abortions are done at that mark.


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No. People used to do that all the time as a way to control a societys population.

Yes, are you actually this fucking stupid

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States are governed by their leading groups. You can either stay and fight for control while submitting to current laws, or leave and go somewhere you're welcome. By living in a governed society you agree to these rules, your rights end exactly where your neighbors do. The federal government should have no say in state level laws.

Then next time you go for a drive don’t wear your seatbelt. Better still you don’t need to switch on the lights of your car while driving at night.

The conservative argument is weak due to the inability to explain why its somehow so much better to have the child never exist due to safe sex, w to aborting it.

Due to the advice conservatives give to prevent the pregnancy, what rhey are advicating for is the prevention of existence for the baby. But then when the baby is a few weeks old its now wrong to stop it from living its life to 80 years old. Like dude, you wanted to have that baby not exist in the first place.

It isn't not yet autonomous and as such not an individual. The carrier of the fetus should be able to decide whether they should go through with it's birth or not. If not, they should be allowed to kill and dispose of it in a medically safe manner.
All this shit does is bring back the age of coat hangers and more women will die.
In several states your wife, daughter, sister, etc can be raped and is not forced to birth the child. Trumpism was a massive mistake that needs to be pulled by the roots.

It’s a truly a parasitic relationship, the baby takes, it gives nothing back, the mother gives despite it being her will not to, for 9 months.

>If that’s how you view human life
It’s human life but it’s not a human being, it’s not born yet. It barely has functioning anything and can’t even feel pain until a few months because it doesn’t have a functioning brain. Tbh I see a fetus nothing more than a cum stain on one of my shirts. But then imagine if you were about to wash your clothes but then your mom came up to you and was like “Do you realized how much potential life that is? You can’t wash your clothes for 9 months or you’re a murderer!” You try to put on another shirt but then magically the cum stain moves to the shirt you just put on.
Sorry I value actual human beings I can talk to, not “potential life”

Now forced* excuse my typo

That's literally what government is you fucking idiot. YOU elect people to represent you. Does it always work out? No. But you have to deal with it unless you put in the work to change it.

I happen to know for a fact that a senso bean can make a lady lose her pregnancy

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