Are the United States still a country worth moving to, despite this abortion ban that happened today?

Are the United States still a country worth moving to, despite this abortion ban that happened today?

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What abortion ban?

I mean, I'm not a woman, I don't care.

But I'm starting to think this will destabilize the country a lot, and will make both wages fall and make life harder.

Move to a first world country. America isn't any better than Iraq

Any options? I only know my native language and English.

America is fine, don’t listen to that faggot. He’s retarded. Roe v Wade being struck down isn’t an abortion ban. If it matters that much to you, just go to one of the many states where it’s legal. Any blue state is still gonna have legal abortions.

Alright. I just ask because it left me worried about the US. But I would still want to diversify my options.

Any state you would recommend then?

Canada if you want to live in North America.
This guy is retarded. Your right to bodily autonomy is next, nigger. Evangelical christian America only wants you to be celibate, or pumping out children. Even if you were impregnated by being raped, or if that pregnancy might kill you.

The US is possibly in the process of collapse

Do not move here. Go somewhere else in Europe where your right to decide what happens to your body is protected by the government.

Wait until after the election in November, that will decide if we will move further towards a Christian theocracy, and it's not looking good right now.

Yeah, I had already considered Canada as well. Parlez-vous français?

But still... I don't like it, sets a bad precedent, it divides people. I can sense it as a foreigner. Something bad can happen if it isn't handled right.

Not a civil war, mind you, but a lot of unrest and strife, that could happen.

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I live in one of the shittiest states of America, Missouri. Don't know French. Just please don't move here. Nothing good will happen here any time soon.

Same problem as muriKKKa -- the government has been captured by wealthy fascists.

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Canada, New Zealand, Australia is a bit too hot these days but fun to visit, ya...the rest of the world is a shithole. I would say Sweden, Norway or Finland, Denmark too but with Russia fucking over the entire planet, it might not be wise. No where in Africa. No Asian countries, No "stans", no USA, no South America...ya, there's not much left. Iceland?

What about Israel? They wont get (((cucked))), because they are the ones doing the cucking. Only cons would be the heat and those pesky philistines...

Nowhere in Northern Europe because they are the most dependant in Russia. I was considering Western Europe up to France. I'd consider Germany but I don't know German.

Canada is my only NA option, Australia is too hot and New Zealand is too cold and too far away.

What do you mean with this?
Go troll somewhere else.

No the USA is gonna become the next China

Western Europe is a good choice too. Things are going to be very pricey for a while everywhere. It's not cheap living in Canada these days. Buying a house is out of reach for a lot of people. Renting now a days is pricey too. Doctors are hard to find and lists are long for waiting. With the war inflation is quite high. Lots of work though these days. Lots of space to roam. Quite safe compared to the rest of the planet. Weather has been weird lately but it's not as volatile as a lot of other places. Personally, I think it's the best place on the planet. The politics isn't that bad as the media makes it out to be. Canada really is one of the last diamonds in the rough. It's the safe bet. Europe would be a lot more fun I think but you're going to run into a LOT of people. Canada only has 38 million people for a huge ass country. Cell service is expensive here. But all amenities are here you can think of. People are friendly too.

USA are on a verge of a civil war. No good...

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>Europe, where they protect your right for you to say what happens to your own body.

Except for the "vaccine" thingy...... lol

>this abortion ban that happened today?
The U.S. has enough morons. We don't need more. Fuck off.

It’s not an federal abortion ban you retards it’s a states rights issue now.
L2fucking read

we're full fuck the fuck off we have enough liberal shitstains to deal with

Last thing America is more foreigners ruin your own country

give christian fundies an inch, they'll try and take a mile

There are a lot of people here who would be much happier in a European country.

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stay in your own shithole, faggot
we're in charge of our own destiny