How come Biden voters can't simply admit the man is failing at his job? Is it egg in the face? Pride? Self Deception?

How come Biden voters can't simply admit the man is failing at his job? Is it egg in the face? Pride? Self Deception?

Literally any valid point made about Biden's degrading mental health is countered by, "Trump did even worse!!! *Seething Noises*"

So if the last Bus driver was bad and the new Bus driver is worse and gonna drive you off a cliff do you stop him or just say "Yeah the last bus driver was worse..."

Just admit you fucked up. Own it.

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vladimir putin is the same for you though.

Trump was literally right when he claim Joe Biden will bring about the worsts economic disaster America has seen in decades.

It always astounds me how these morons elected a guy on the premise of "change ", a guy who has been a Washington insider for decades.

This level of retard just never ceases to amaze me

Trump was fucking horrible. A national joke. No one could imagine anyone could be worse.

BUT someone Biden has done the impossible and actually made Trump look good in comparison.

My fucking gas and food expenses have DOUBLED under Biden. This fucking nightmare can’t go on.

Oh no, orange man was so mean on twitter.

lets accept this destroyed economy, destroyed lives, and war in ukraine instead.

to be fair, i dont even think he knows that he's president half of the time

this is a Any Forums or election tourist newfag.
he does not offer any content but only spreads lies and broken world views by crying, provoking and insinuating.
he has no friends except for the choir of other rougly 1000 Any Forums and or election tourists newfags here on Any Forums.
he posts about 20 times as many posts as the average user to convince himself and others that his views do indeed reflect a relevant proportion of the population.
usually he has no success in life, no friends and no fun, which is why he envies everyone who does so.
without being able to make exact statements, he typically is uneducated, racist, homophobic, distinctly religious, fact-rejecting, narrow-minded, aggressive, chauvinistic, egocentric and has no empathy.
a conversation, an argument or discussion with him is not worth it, because at no point is he interested in a correct understanding of the contexts, but only in confirmation of his feelings and prejudices.
but he will be exceptionally thankful if you try since the exchange primarily conveys to him that there must be something meaningful about his attitude.

if you feed pigeons, there will be more.
I ask you: do you want more pigeons?

nigga i wont lie to you the hood want trump back bro. everybody had more money when trump was in office nigga

>do you want more pigeons
yes, and the rats that follow as well

We've never seen anything like this before. It's like we're under attack, from within.

>Be Biden
>Be shit at your job
>Still be better than Trump

user. It's leftists. 90% of what they do is being retarded.

>Just admit you fucked up. Own it.

Oh, Penny-a-Post, tsk, tsk. What a lame version of the script you were sent to post. I doubt you'll get a penny for this one.

So. Lame.

Dems are masters of fearmongering their base with metaphysical threats.

I can name hundreds of things, chud!

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Libs unironically believe they are the underdogs when literally every media, gov and university pushes their propaganda. It's deep, immature and selfish view of the world

Notice how not a single Biden supporter has admitted they fucked up and owned it.

Typical, they'll blame and deny because it's easier to live the lie for them than have to question themselves and admit fault.

We want moshiach we don’t want to wait

When has a narcissist ever apologized for lying or manipulation? When has a narcissist ever admitted they were wrong?

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>Still be better than Trump
I'd rather have Trump back.

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America is absolutely under attack from within. They pulled a coup when they installed bidet.

I'd rather have to deal with leftoids crying about honest tweets than having to spend 50 bucks every week to fill up my car, than to pay an extra 250 bucks on my rent for no improvement, than to pay an extra 50% on all the food I have to buy.

Narcissism was removed from the mental disorder doctrine, years ago. Psychiatry is a quack medicine anyway, very jewish.

Those behaviors are still true and narcissists are still shit heads who need to be scorned.

Nobody likes him. Not even democrats. But that doesn't matter because at least he's not trump and he won't run for 2 terms

Everybody is different, user. Trying to slap labels on everyone, just causes unnecessary strife. Which is precisely why you're encouraged to do so.

The elite shadow cabal loves Biden.

Chekk’d fren. Also summoning the retarded, dead nigger chimp to dance for cheap gas prices to come back!

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