Is this strange? I'm a 21 year old single man, and want to adopt a young girl to be my daughter...

Is this strange? I'm a 21 year old single man, and want to adopt a young girl to be my daughter. I don't have any desire to do a anything sexual to her, I just wanna take care.

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Yes it's strange, and stop lying to yourself. You want to adopt a little girl because of some fucked up psychosexual neurosis you probably developed from childhood trauma.

You have contracted the anime brain virus. Please uninstall your brain.

If you have a lot of money and good family relations go for it

Good luck. Single parent adoption is quite hard to pull off unless you’re loaded.

It's a bit early for parental instincts to kick in super hard, but no it's not really weird. The weird sort of primal desire to have kids is all I think about now and it fucking sucks.

Also, wish he had done more cool parenting shit like the school arc, just felt he didn't get a lot of development as in one episode he basically went from loner to I love my daughter and then stopped

literally baby fever
little weird secret about society everybody seems to have somehow forgotten:
men are in fact, human beings, who also have the urge to have and/or take care of a child/children
this recent trend of lonely guys in their 20s is literally where this western neo-lolicon fad came from in the first place.
Yes that's normal OP, just make sure you're working on yourself and things will normal out.

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>Single man trying to adopt a little girl.
No way in fucking hell is that gonna happen, and OP is going to end up on a watchlist. Best bet is to have a sham gay marriage and apply in a liberal city; they'll be too afraid to reject the application and then OP can divorce and take custody after it's a done deal.

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I was never abused as a kid.
I just found a random image that wouldn't get the jannies in a twist while still illustrating my point. I don't particularly watch animu.

It's not, try doing a big brother program or something similar.

>It's a bit early for parental instincts to kick in super hard
The only reason we're still here is because our hunter-gatherer ancestors were reproducing fast and early. 100,000 years ago, OP would be at a prime age to get mauled by a sabre-toothed beaver while trying to defend his nineteen children.

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Getting on a watchlist is better than dealing with modern women

I have the same fantasy. Unfortunately I've looked into it and the anons in this thread are right; unless you're related to the girl it's basically impossible. Your best bet is to either hope that someone in your family eventually has a daughter, and then just try to be an involved uncle, or else hunt around on dating sites and try to find a woman who already has a daughter. If she has a drug problem or something you might be able to cook up a scheme to get her to lose custody, then if you have an established relationship with the child you could apply for adoption and have better chances, though they would probably award custody to grandparents or other relatives before you. Ideal candidate would be a single mother with no relatives who could potentially care for the child, at that point if you are dependable, have a good income, and the kid has a bond with you, you could probably make a case for yourself. Or you could just put up with the woman if you want; idk. I'm assuming you're probably like me and just want a kawaii daughter without having to put up with some annoying roastie hanging around. Anyway, best of luck to you, but based on my experience I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Nah, not strange. You want a family, but you don't have a wife and probably don't think you can get one any time soon. Sadly, it's not going to be possible to actually adopt a kid as a single man.

I'm not OP, but I think about having a daughter all the goddamn time. I'm 35 and single. I did really well getting girlfriends and getting laid as a teenager but in my 20s that shit shut the fuck off. I worked on myself like this guy says but it didn't work. I got fit. I'm really handsome, I had a good career in finance/analytics, my own 1 bedroom apartment so no roommates, I speak two foreign languages fluently and can cook extremely well. Women don't give a fuck. They want George Clooney in the body of Chris Evans.

I went on two dates with this one ugly girl. A mutual friend arranged it as a blind date. She ghosted me after the second date and told our friend I was boring.

Last summer I went on several dates with one girl. 23 years old, living with her parents, something retarded like 3 hours a week job in a primary school as a teacher. The wait list here is really long so people graduate and have to accumulate points in order to land a placement. No drivers license. After 7 or 8 dates she ghosts me. No response to my messages. I approached her in person and she pretended like everything was totally fine and she was just sick the previous week. Again, never heard from her again. Why is a straight, "Sorry, I'm not interested in pursuing something." so hard?

When I would hang out with my friend and point out girls that I thought were interesting she would comment that she was glad I didn't only look at the super models. So I know it's not that I'm too picky. And I know I'm better than 98% of guys out there.

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Yeah, but why do I only desire a daughter and not a son? And no, I'm not gonna convince a hypothetical son to trans out or anything. I'm not that sick.
I'm not that desperate for a little girl to do all that.

I also only want a daughter. I don't know what I would do if I had a boy. I'd beg my wife to abort it. And if she didn't, I might have to leave her. There is no conceivable way I could love a boy. I'd never be able to kiss him. Or change his diaper. Or see him naked which I'm sure happens non-stop when you have a toddler. It would be worse than marrying a pregnant woman and raising someone elses kid.

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I had a friend like you in a similar situation, I honestly didn't get it. Dude had a great job 6 figures and owned a house at 24. He's a good height 5'10-11 and good looking. Girls he pursued weren't super models but relatively attractive and would ghost him (he was the better looking one tbh). He was on his own and they were living with their parents or trying to figure out what to do in school (not knocking them just explaining their position). Goes without saying he had his own car and everything but no one stuck around. Things turned around and he found himself a girl but it took him 5 more years of BS. It's just how it works out for some people.


get chemically sterilized, just in case. then be a happy parent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Yeah, but why do I only desire a daughter and not a son?
It's yet another symptom of living in a dying, feminized civilization. The desire to have a son is the desire to not just procreate but pass something on. This isn't a good society for men, and if you have a son there's not much reason to believe there will be much of a future for him. Having a daughter is more about having someone who needs you and depends on you. There is also probably a subconscious sexual aspect to it. I don't mean you're a pedo, but that you've more or less given up on women but still want love. The "modern woman" doesn't need a man, or at least she believes she doesn't, so in any relationship with a woman there's an unspoken assumption that she's going to leave you at some point, either for someone she thinks is better or just because she's bored. A little girl represents an untainted and pure femininity, plus she's dependent on you. She's someone who will love you unconditionally and looks to you to provide for her. It's a little fucked up honestly, but this is basically the state of the world now. Unlike the sexual bond between a man and a woman, which is basically just a temporary agreement at this point, the parental bond is permanent and unconditional. You see in the father-daughter relationship something that sublimates both your desire to have a strong, unbreakable bond with a female as well as your need to be depended upon and provide for someone. Neither of these desires can be filled by pursuing a normal romantic relationship anymore.

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Hang around real children (little devil spawned creatures) and any strange desires will leave you pretty fast.

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why did you specify man? Is it not single people in general that are discriminated against? Is the system sexist and should be fixed?

If it always happens it means you are the problem user. Not everything is about money or status, have u tried being a good person, or doing interesting things? Maybe u can try some sports or hobbies that don't involve being in front of a screen, maybe something creative like painting or making something with your hands. But yeah, you can be as attractive as you want, or have a lot of money, but that works for shit when looking for a long lasting an loving relationship. Be better dude, work on your spirit.

Kids are inherently linked to sex in that they are the product of such
You're looking for a female to make a child, and loneliness makes your brain shortcut them.
Life finds a way, and that's not anyone's fault.

You've thought about this quite a bit, haven't you?

cut your dick off and hang yourself tranny faggot

Yeah pretty weird.
I wouldnt advise it either. Its a massive responsibility. Youre not even close to mature enough at 21.

Get a puppy instead

the puppy does not deserve it, get a doll

>I'm a 21 year old single man
lol never gonna happen dude. and id wager unless you're a trustfund baby you probably don't even have your shit together. if you want to take care of something get a fish, and then maybe a cat if that goes ok

kids only suck until 3 or 4 then they become both cute and manageable
t. temporarily stayed at a house containing 5 children from 9 months to 14
the 4 and 5 year old girls were super cute and always wanted my attention, and managing them is as easy as locking up things you dont want them to mess with

There's an inherent just world fallacy in your comment. Maybe, women are just too damn picky?

I actually am a really good person. One girl at my previous job liked me but she already had a boyfriend and she was hideous. I was actually friendly with her and talked to her like an equal and I think she wasn't used to that. A different coworker, a really good looking girl that I was in the process of asking out but found out she had a boyfriend already, told me on our last day that the other girl told her out of all of my team I was the nicest person.

Multiple older women, like in their late 40s or 50s are really into me and let me know that I'm a good person.

I think the problem is women in their mid 20s to mid 30s just get treated like goddamn princesses by every single guy they see so all of them subconciously think they are in the top 1 percentile. And then an outstanding guy comes around and she hem's and haw's over whether to pull the trigger but she can't decide. Like she's 10 years old and we're in ToysRus on her birthday and she can only get one.

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I don't think that I am unable to get women. Knew this kid in high school who had multiple girlfriends despite having noticeable autism.