Crackers and toilet paper are the same thing...

Crackers and toilet paper are the same thing. Killing crackers is no different from flushing your toilet paper down the toilet.

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why do people think crackers is offensive?

This will be seen on Any Forums for years to come. Even when the original retires, we will still post these images here.

Toilet paper at least has a use. Unlike niggers and poop that are the same thing, by the way.

All fields.

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>black and Jewish supremacy
Lmao you aren't even hiding it now hooknose

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You saw and made sure to damage control in your other empty thread
You are so fucking pathetic

Mental illness?

Niggrilium tier bait so radioactive with niggerates it's about to degrade to brimstonite. I'm dying

How many times do you think you need to post that before people start believing it?


These threads getting dozens of replies while old Andy Sixx threads get a fraction of that kek

Poor Andy

i can't tell the difference

Between what?

I think he means threads idk

There is a possibility and rumor that Animaterr Man is also the one behind the Hanako threads.

OP here, I just wanted to let you know. And mind you I have been holding this off for a while. That in the stark contrast to what I post. I may be inclined to believe. Actually no I can guarantee that I actually believe. 100% certain mind you with no doubts about it that I'm indeed. With no doubts at all. no after thought. that I'm infact and individual characterized by. maybe even plagued by faggotry

Don't recognize the man you are talking about
>Newfag supremacy

look more very specific damage control
you have no fucking idea what you're doing

Keep crying in every Hanako thread. Does she trigger you? Poor baby.

>and that's it
*the end
-after 12 minutes only,supposed to be 60 at least
no slides and no effort whatsoever
and it was one year ago

>Veronica Mars
never ever watched it but had a dream about it,at least what I considered as this series in the dream, the woman was talking to live animal shaped chocolates that were singing
this was about 17 years ago

in their language meaning"the one who fights with the wrong hand",cause he was left handed
and it's something I invented

>i was going to call ye,I' m here what's up
so he was singing in the sketch
2009,reminding me of that time
song from way before tho
but still comes 2009 to mind
specially the program which the sketch is from