Who are the worst types of people on Any Forums?

Who are the worst types of people on Any Forums?

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fpbp /thread

is this some rhetorical question?
>name the worst band
Any Forums and the election tourists.

trans people supporters

anytime you see a thread ending with "what do"

I can't stand those faggots. Can't think for themselves.

People that believe people should be categorized by "types"
Fuck you, asshole.

the porn posters

Trannies, niggers, and niggers


yes but can we stop them from doing it. what do

this is the real answer, but
is the runner-up

don't be too hard on them, they do it for free

nostalgic oldfags

Not normal racist or even white supremacist; but the autistic “racist” who blame everything on “the left” and not them being fat nd gay

The fucking stormfaggots, no contest. It's not their opinions that are annoying, it's that they're such autistic fucks. They just can't talk about anything else. It's like they're physically unable to utter sentences without including kikes and niggers and whatever trans version they're currently obsessed with. You could legit start a conversation about what pancakes you like and they would somehow end up with their version of Tourettes anyway.

the (((people))) that post all that nigger worship shit and jannies

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Coomers and porn dumpers. I got banned from r9k for posting my face so I came here and my oh my is this place a COMPLETE shithole my friend.

op is faggot

ok ban you next week

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How can you not understand that there are different types of people