Attached: [email protected] (1200x675, 52.89K)

what is this?

The commands for Nvidia's 3D engine. You can now program Nvidia GPUs directly without OpenGL/Vulkan/etc and code your own drivers without reverse engineering.

so what? like get it to run on an AMD card?

are you retarded?

it means anyone can write their own drivers or hand optimize a game for nvidia gpus, say if 20 year old game nobody plays anymore is broken on new cards, a modder now has a much easier avenue towards fixing the bug

What even are these nothing burgers they keep doing? Call me when they're on par with AMD when it comes to Linux drivers.

>on par with AMD
What's that supposed to mean?

Based pelosi putting the smack down on those lazy taiwan workers, threatening them with bringing back the factories to the USA (she wont) but they don't know that.


Modders should make hardware Integer scaling and lanzcos filtrum for ALL gpu since gt 9800?

Attached: gamescom-2019-geforce-game-ready-driver-integer-scaling-nvcpl-option-850px.png (850x663, 79.56K)

Only since Fermi - 4xx

Attached: picrel.jpg (491x491, 25.12K)

And what about the signed firmware?

>code your own drivers without reverse engineering.
Don't you still need firmware for that to be useful?
On Linux, Nouveau has existed for ages but it's gimped because proper power management is impossible without redistributable firmware they can use or NVIDIA granting them the ability to sign their own firmware.

Attached: interpolation-bilinear-2x_F8BBD2484C664E59B10C794D10DCE625.jpg (1360x780, 65.02K)

Based. Magpie and lossless scaling are software shit with input lag

Does it benefit dxvk developers?

Wake me up when NVIDIA releases a FOSS userspace driver

they did, but it's only for turing and above.

kernel part upstreamed and open userspace driver

>What even are these nothing burgers they keep flipping?

>SIGGRAPH 2022 in 3 hours
Yep, i'm thinking it's year of Linux Desktop announced by Huang himself