Don't the black niggers know where they belong? It's time they fucked off back there!

Don't the black niggers know where they belong? It's time they fucked off back there!

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yeah,the notion of afterlife is wishful thinking at its finest,but it's quite comforting. I for example wish that all the good people are in a better place. Most recently I've been feeling a great deal of sorrow over that particular famous guy's death. He was taken from us a long time ago,the world was a different place back then. Not that much different as 100 years ago,of course,but it was still quite different. Sad to think about all the work he could have made if not for his tragic fate. That's why I do hope there's an afterlife in which his soul is in peace,he surely deserves it. On the matter,I don't know why his death fills me with sorrow,but it does. I never got to meet the guy in person,of course I didn't,I was still a child when he died also different countries,even so I do feel his death like he was a very close friend. Can't tell why so much sorrow,but there it is. So sad he was taken from us that long ago,what a waste of good talent and nice personality

Fuck niggers


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Keep seething ytboi.
You did this to yourselves

*Jews bought and niggers sold.
So no, retard. You're wrong

Poor OP. He can't compete with black people. This is all he can do.

Sorry you are such a loser OP. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

southern pride is the remembrance of when the south bravely sacrificed a generation of young men to keep their jew masters in power. the jew masters owned a lot of black folks, and their white indentured chattel thought it was pretty keen they didn't enslave the whites as well.
to this day, the south insists on keeping the jewish battle standard alive, all in hopes that one day, if they are lucky, the jews will return to rule these mild mannered simpletons once more.

honestly, you stupid faggot, stop with the 'it was really jews' bullshit. if you didn't put all your self worth in needing the white race to be magic and perfect, you could just write off the slave owners and traders as the dickheads they were. I'm white and feel absolutely nothing negaive there. I think they were a bunch of immoral shitheads, but that doesn't affect me.
that you let it affect you because shitty whites make the 'white race' look shitty, that's your own stupid racist thoughts turning back on you.
good. I hope it hurts and you seethe, because your racist bullshit is fucking stupid and you need to stop.

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Y'know, I'm a straight middle-aged cisgendered caucasian male (with no children and no plans to ever have any because fuck children, but not literally), and I'm fully aware threads like these (and the bottom-feeding cretins) are geared towards me. However, I couldn't disagree with them or the sentiments they contain more. But I just figured I'd posit an ironic musing in here just for posterity.

The problem with threads like this is that the general theme is predicated on the false assumption that caucasian people are the only ones who belong in N America. The reason this assumption is false is because, using the rationale for black folks returning to Africa ("it's where they're originally from"), it asserts that N America is where caucasian people are originally from.

Clearly these fine folks never studied history outside of European history from 1933-1945. Because if they did, they would know that
>caucasians originated from EUROPE, not N America
>technically they originated from the Caucasus mountain range; the word "caucasian" kinda tells you that by itself

So if, on the basis of the logic behind that faggot OP's argument, black folks need to "go back home to Africa" because it's "where they were originally from", then the racist Reich-wing stormfaggots spewing this trash need to fuck off to Europe, because it's where THEY were originally from.

Consider their Hitler worship & how lionized the German value system is to them, you would think they'd jump at the opportunity. But, having lived there myself, I suspect they would run into some huge issues, namely
>learning the language
That would involve work on their part, and since they hate Spanish speakers who don't know English, they surely must cringe at the thought of being in that position themselves
>the Weltanschauung of Germany that they exalt went out of style 77yrs ago

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>be stupid
>be smug and proud of it
sounds like a standard gopshit response to me

holy shit i hate blackies

Yeah, niggers are disgusting apes

You keep posting the same thing day in and day out. Who hurt you sweet baby?

Well get a comfortable seat because there's many more to come

Fuck niggers

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Left out the part where the American government helped japan rebuild.

Gov has invested hundreds of millions into fixing black areas like detroit yet niggers destroy property faster than it can be repaired...

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They literally don't, most of them have no clue what ethnicity of black they are.

fuck yo white ass mothafucka

Same thing with the fag that posts bbc and blacked threads, so what's the difference?

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The difference is that whites are inferior and blacks are superior.
So blacked threads are acceptable but yours are not.

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Preaching to the choir, user.

>has pics of cocks saved
Seems pretty gay to me