ITT: we discuss god-level philosophy

ITT: we discuss god-level philosophy

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that image ..... is actually pretty deep.... now it makes sense why people believe in god xoxo......

one of the good point christopher hitchens made was, pascals wager is a bad idea.

If now god is real, would he really accept a "believer" that takes pascals wager ?

If god is real he wont accept anything less than a true believer.

Pascal's wager is foolish as it doesn't take into account the manifold gods that are extant.

Hail Eris.

I would convert to christianity, or any religion for that matter if they could provide any proof.

the proof is closer than it seems........ the bible, brother ..... xoxo

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Religion is more than a set of myths though. Religion is a perspective. You can fully be religious without buying into the myths.

By that logic, allah exists, just read the quran

....but qran is the wrong source...


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Way to out yourself as a retard lol

Then what’s the point? Just being afraid of death and the concept of nothing? Jesus people are vain. You probably think this post is about you

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If there is no god then why would I submit to jew laws for nothing?

lets say there are 4 religions
belief guarantees at least a 1/4 chance for eternal life, atheism gains you nothing, and on the chance you're wrong you go to hell

What are these 4 religions?

This image is wrong, if you "believe" because it's convenient or just in case you don't know God and the things you belive in won't save you anyway.
You have to understand why things are the way there are and why the things Jesus/The Buddha taught lead you to happiness (away from pain)

There is no point other than my comment. Like, from my perspective: some dude is going to have Christian ethics, follows Christian laws, has a Christian language, thinks in Christian ideals, celebrates Christian traditions, but he's not Christian because he doesn't believe a snake talked a rib-woman into eating a fruit? I'm sorry, but everything about that dude is Christian save for one part. If you did the same list of things, but the thing different was that he didn't have Christian language, he'd also still be a Christian. Religion, like ideologies, is a perspective, and the point of the stories are usually to solidify the perspective in a way that a (past) reader can understand. We used to learn by placing knowledge inside stories, abstract thinking and science has taught us different techniques.

the only that can encapsulate something infinitely is nothingness

does not matter in the hypothetical,

you believe- you have a chance at eternal life and you loose nothing

you don't believe-you have a chance of going to hell and you gain nothing

buddism is based but buddists are all cringe, you includeded

>how to make a fool of yourself

You missed the whole free will debate, it was a little after your time.

The problem there being there are very many more than four religions. What if the Sikhs are right?