Zoomers are gonna end us all: Military has serious recruiting problem

Zoomers are gonna end us all: Military has serious recruiting problem


" To put it bluntly, I’m worried we are now in the early days of a long-term threat to the all-volunteer force, with a small and declining number of Americans who are eligible and interested in military service,” said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel, after hearing testimony this spring from service personnel leaders. “Every single metric tracking the military recruiting environment is going in the wrong direction.

after five months of the fiscal year, the Army reached only 23 percent of its active duty goal for new recruits.

Air Force officials welcomed 2,300 fewer recruits in the first quarter of this fiscal year than the previous year.

The Navy expects fewer deferred entry candidates this year than anticipated, which may lead to future personnel problems.

The top manpower officer in the Marine Corps, which traditionally meets its recruiting goals, told a Senate hearing in April that 2022 is “arguably the most challenging recruiting year since the inception of the all-volunteer force.”

The services are responding to these challenges with cash bonuses for signing on — some as high as $50,000.

“We’ve never offered $50,000 to join the Army,” said Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, who heads up Army Recruiting Command.

“We’re in a search for talent just like corporate America and other businesses. … We’re trying to match incentives for what resonates — for example, financial incentives.” "

Zoomers are too busy playing COD and watching porn than to serve their country.

This may not seem like much now, but we are looking at a country that can no longer recruit people into their army and that is troubling.

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Not under this administration. Miss me with that shit.

would you trust a bunch of losers with your life?

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Good, maybe we will have to stop invasions for oil

>serve their country
Nice try recruiter cuck. Go get your own legs blown off in a desert halfway across the world, I'm good. A business also has a funny tendency to lose employees and hiring prospects when they're corrupt as fuck and have a long, long history of deceit and shady business practices. They reap what they sow.

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Zoomers can't even stomach being naked in locker rooms. I doubt they'd even get through basic without going nuts

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Send all these trannies queers and niggers to Ukraine to fight the Russians. Let’s see what they’ve got against conscripts. I don’t think they joined the military for the US or to fight, they joined to post on twitter and get help with car, housing and education. 100% when lush cones to shove, they let you down. ‘I’m not fighting this war y’all’.

Found the sandnigger

I was already in the military as a stupid kid. Got out and used the gi bill. I advise everyone who asks to steer clear and go in to the trades.

The Roman Empire died in the same way.
Rome brought in too many immigrants from the wider Empire, who had no patriotism or sense of duty.
The Romans themselves relied too much on foreign levies in their army. They considered actually fighting for their homeland as beneath them.
And then, when the barbarian hordes arrived at Rome, nobody was prepared to defend it.
tl;dr - when a country loses its cultural unity, it's fucked.

Looks like they'll finally start easing their dumbass restrictions on medical conditions. Dinosaurs.

Case in point. Type 1 diabetics can't even enlist if they are diagnosed before enlisting.

>Scientific study showing that military deployments actually decreased type 1 diabetics' hemoglobin a1c, meaning their overall blood sugar levels were normal BECAUSE of the military deployments.


This coming war isn't for people who want to stay alive anyway.

It's politics. The military right now is embracing woke politics and right now the US government has the opposite politics of the type of people that are actually going to join the military. Why willingly join something that's not going to be enjoyable if they hate you

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Don't be a ZOGbot, not for any reason, especially not for money. If you're going to die, at least don't let it be for kikes.

>Zoomers are gonna end us all: Military has serious recruiting problem
then you join up.

True, I got a phonecall from a recruiter and I'm over 30. They're just cold calling numbers now I guess. Told him sorry but I'm not interested in dying for the ZOG Machine.

Dude it's so hard to join the military, since last December they placed new methods to take your health insurance so they can look in your past 12 years of your medical history.

nah, let's send you. that would be funnier.

Because the Military has gone woke.

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>woke politics
let me guess, woke politics to you is "anything I don't like", right?

what does that even mean?


The nigger on the left has been in the Army for at least 9 years and he is only a seargant. Nigger on the right has been in at least 24 years and is only a seargant first class. These guys are barley making it in the Army

what a precious simple soul you are.

This the real reason behind banning abortions. More poor, disenfranchised kids with no options for the meat grinder

>not enjoyable
yeah, in previous generations the military was basically a travelling carnival of delights.