Flatpak must kill all distros. What we need is just a generic package manager...

Flatpak must kill all distros. What we need is just a generic package manager, preferentially just with the bare minimum (linux kernel, glibc, compositor of your choice and some minimum core apps) to bootstrap Flatpak, and Flatpak can take over all the rest.

Flatpak is effectively the end of the fragmentation in the GNU/Linux app space.

Attached: lady_trish.png (850x637, 1.06M)

flatpak is garbage and the day it becomes mandatory is the day i go back to winjeet

The only thing that is missing in Flatpak is a Unified Installation package with the App+dependencies.

Me on the right

>Flatpak is effectively the end of the fragmentation in the GNU/Linux app space.
Finding stupid shit to argue about and draw battle lines over is part of the Linux ethos at this point. If it isn't distributions it will be something else.

Flatpak ends the fragmentation where it matters. The big elephant in the room that remains is Wayland.

X11 is the elephant, not Wayland. Wayland ends the fragmentation by killing all those hundreds of worthless X11 ricer WMs. Linux kiddies need to understand it's either KDE Plasma or GNOME or nothing.

Why would you design a new generic package manager specifically to bootstrap Flatpak when you could just design that generic package manager to encompass all the good parts of Flatpak while also staying generic? That way, you don't need 2 package managers.

How dangerous is it to run old versions of software? I was thinking of getting an old computer and just running old software before a lot of bullshit started. If other people do the same old style websites could be made adhering to certain principles as well.

snap is the true redpill

This is basically what Fedora Silverblue and OpenSUSE MicroOS want to be. Minimal immutable core OS, everything else flatpaks and containers. They're both very impractical to use though.

Snap is just proof that Stallman was right and the GPL is the only thing saving us from Linux going proprietary. You can tell Canonical wants their system to be proprietary so fucking bad and Snap is the closest they can get without violating their existing software licenses.


You do the fuck you want.
That's Linux in a nutshell, and we don't need authoritarian retards like you to mandate anything
If i want,i can make a

i don't care about the principles, i care about the fact that the implementation is shit. flatseal is cope and shit like steam doesn't even work properly with it.
it's be useful if commercial software devs built around it but they don't, everything for it is repackaged by randos instead of publishers or trusted repo maintainers.

Me on the left

>and there's nothing you can do to stop me
can be charged with verbal abuse

FPBP, flatpak is literal trash. "the future of application distribution" lmao, shove it up your ass.

Why doesn't flatpak have that anyways? If it did it would basically do what everything else does, but better.

like that'll ever happen
