How true is this?

How true is this?

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idk everything just works for me.

how true is it that pc repair monkeys live with their parents because it's not a real tech job? very true

How would I know, I live in my own apartment since I was 17.
Are there really grown men still living with their parents?

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Why the fuck is the PSU up top?

Some places in the world still have actual proper families unlike amer*ca where you're expected to run away from the people that birthed and took care of you your whole life or you're not "manly" or "grown up".

i come from a loving family, and i love them especially back
you don't know how much money i managed to save thanks to that
americlaps are a weird bunch, kicking their irresponsible adolescent offsprings out of home as soon as they become 18, like they never wanted the guy to be there at all
me parents would love to see me going full independent and live on my own, but never pressured me about that
different family cultures i guess

thats where they've always been. what, are you buying nonstandard gaymer cases?

not everyone has rich parents who can just buy them an apartment
>inb4 renting
lmao you try to claim some kind of superiority while giving money to shekelberg.


yes, I live with my family (in a shitty rural area) and stash away the FAGMAN salary I get. Meanwhile, rent cucks like you are just wasting money while I can outright purchase a house with no mortgage.

No amount of money is worth living with my parents unfortunately

>purchase a house with no mortgage.
if you could, you would. shitty larp

It's true, but the Macfags on Any Forums are also useless manchildren.

24 still living with parents.Not proud of it, but they don't mind and I've been given the chance to restart my career twice for it.

>i dont need tendies

Didn’t this guy kill himself on livestream

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>in a shitty rural area
At least make the LARP a little more believable.

dur hur what is remote??? are you that fucking stupid?

so true but I'm not fat and it's not only with technology but with everything that brakes

outdated meme, Linux in 2022 is 80% usable

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I'm 33 with 30 year old wife and 3,5 year old child. I only move to my house this year.

And yes, basically since 24 till now I lived with my parents bar some months in Kraków and 1.5 years in rented flat.

And yes, I buy house with 1/3 of my money, 1/3 of my parents and 1/3 of my parents-in-law money

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nigga that's just a meme