Thinking of downloading grinder to smash some boypuss. What are the odds of finding a cutie like pic related?

Thinking of downloading grinder to smash some boypuss. What are the odds of finding a cutie like pic related?

No, that isn't me and I don't have more pics.

Attached: 1655331496416.jpg (1024x1024, 118.19K)


100% for this though

Attached: B9E1E610-7E23-49FE-843B-9E2933B6D5DD.jpg (474x573, 34.32K)

Damn and they any other apps that might help me meet a handsome young man who wants to suck dick?

Nope. Hope you enjoy the taste of chunky yellow chewy old man cum with bits of bloody discharge and cheese chunks swirling around in your mouth and tongue

What do you look like?

Matt Damon

cuties get tons of attention and youll hafta stand out

Well first off you're gonna have to learn how to spell boipucksy all wrong.

Post a picture of Matt Damon as proof

Yeah but there's 19 bottoms for every one top...

Attached: da1cda04-76af-496e-9121-ac201bf546e2-2993265624.jpg (1600x1073, 93.38K)

Attached: Fatt Damon.jpg (600x400, 18.24K)

They are there, but they only go for the top 0,1%

And I have a gut feeling you're not the top 0,1%

the last time i posted a new picture on gridr i got over 50 msgs and responded to none.
yes, more bottoms does not mean more cute bottoms

Yeah but did you see the picture of Matt Damon?

But I don't want to suck dick tho

>What are the odds of finding a cutie like pic related?
Maybe you won't find one quite that cute, but you can find some pretty cute ones and some nice round asses. Get on prep and go fill up some bussy. Its great.

Get on prep?

Also yeah I may have set the bar too high

>Get on prep?
anti-hiv med

Holy shit dude no, I only want to fuck young virgin men. Otherwise what's the point.

Sounds like I should probably just date women tbqh fam

Okay I'm sold you can fuck me in the butthole if you buy me a switch.

But me a switch

Attached: _1_yaniv.jpg (650x650, 33.55K)

>I only want to fuck young virgin men.
good luck

Maybe I'll become a priest