What have you done today to improve yourself as a man?

What have you done today to improve yourself as a man?

I sold all my vidya stuff to a pawn shop and joined a gym.

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you'd never know how to enjoy the best brownie in the world if youve never tasted it. Same here. Age is just a number. Fuck society. yes I'm attracted to them what are they gonna do arrest me?

I lifted weights for the first time in over a month.

Wrote another chapter, books comin' along
Yeah I know I need to do more

I woke up and went to work even though I would much rather stay in bed.

Hit a new pr at the gym. Feels good man.

Had avocado on toast and went on a 3 mile run

I got a job last month. Anyone wanna congratulate me? It's my first one although I feel I don't deserve it since someone I knew gave me the job since he's the boss

I’m proud of you brother!

What games did you sell?

And I guess I went to work and cooked my own dinner. That's it. Usually I'm too tired after work to cook.

Thanks I appreciate the kind words hope u have a great day

You to man! I’m proud of you everyday

Congratulations buddy! Welcome to the workforce!

Thank you very much

>went to work
>came back home after 8 hours
I am taking a shit rn. What a life.

well i havent done anything today but yesterday i ran around my neighbors pond three times

I made homemade hand pulled noodles yesterday that turned out pretty good. Gonna try out a new recipe with them later tonight for dinner. Also went outside and water plants in my garden as a break from remote work.

Laugh at wagies and cityslickers while i take care of my chickens

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Mad respect, that takes serious balls. Don't listen to the internet gym bros, do both cardio and weights, just do the cardio at the end. Go for the athletic, well rounded build like our ancient warrior ancestors did. Be fast AND strong

good luck with that, imo it's not smart to quit everything you enjoyed doing cold turkey, you need to unwind once in a while

whats the job?

today I pretty much completed my "happening backpack"
>med kit
>food to last a month
>water purifier
>solar panel
>power banks

I have sharpened my mind.

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Good for you.

I went back to grown pot. Had ta sell some radios Trevor found but now got about a dozen plants started.
Can't tell J or B cause they just gunna fuck things up, but I figure I got about 30 G's here easy.

Fuck that, video games are for children. Men put away childish things.

American Men watch cuck porn and suck bbc


What else do you do to prep?

I've been practicing with a recurve bow. Can hit a square hay bale at 20 yards pretty consistently and I've only been at it a couple weeks. I also added a fully stocked first aid kit to every vehicle and out building on the farm

Fuck that, only insecure children think like this, real men keep their hobbies and still have families. It's the true insecure manlets those that think that they need to change this way in order to succeed at life when reality is that what's wrong with your life is something deeper into your personality that's flawed.

Never had ta sell games to get chicks, but maybe It causes your a randy, most likely. I ain't got to changafied into something I aint.
Maybe if you could make fucking sexlove right ya could be the person you want to be.

dude I did the bow thing too, except I went for traditional bow, I like to do huge parabolic mortar shots at about 80 yards, it's pretty hard to do but when you hit it it feels so good

right now I'm learning watching the stars to forecast things, and reading people's soul