The sad thing is, Linux users are some of the greediest and whiniest people on the planet...

The sad thing is, Linux users are some of the greediest and whiniest people on the planet. No other desktop platform has as many entitled and greedy "users" as Linux does.

Linux USERS get mad if you suggest that they should pay for Linux software.

How are we truly gonna get great software if people demand it all to be free and open source, and that developers should work like slaves under a mountain of feature requests year after year after year and wreck their own physical and mental health until they totally burn out? Even passion-project developers always burn out, because life is fucking hell in the Linux "community" as a developer. Most of them just continue slaving away because of "sunk cost fallacy" where they feel that the project is "their baby" and that they must continue torturing themselves to not kill off something they've already spent years of their life on.

Most developers are also very afraid that if they quit, someone will just fork it and radically change their baby project and take all the glory and basically make their existing YEARS feel wasted. So they continue slaving away to keep their projects alive for as long as they can. Many projects go into a "maintenance mode" where they don't announce the death, and still do minor changes, just to avoid all the negativity that happens if they actually announced how burned out they are. It's a very tortured existence.

I am not joking. Where is the developer incentive on Linux? There is almost ZERO. I say that as a developer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And before you say "donations", stop making me laugh. Have you ever seen OSS donations? Most of them get at best 1-5 dollars a month in donations, usually just from 1 donor. Most get ZERO dollars per month. The vast majority of users clearly think that "meh, some other user will donate, so I'll just yoink this thing for free". And since everyone thinks like that, most projects get no donations whatsoever. Heck, the most common donations you actually get are just thinly veiled feature demands, like "Here's $1, oh and my feature request is XYZ". Linux "users" are like vultures who just roam around scavenging "good" software without ever paying for it. While the developers burn out and leave.

Some users do actually put in a tiny bit of effort and at least write a "thanks" to the developers, but a "thanks" doesn't pay the rent or the groceries back in the real world, you know?

I have released plenty of open-source projects in the past, but I stopped doing that, because the only thing I get back is a fucking mountain of feature requests and demands, most of which are rudely and lazily written and demanding. They expect me to work for them like an unpaid slave. The "help/support tickets", feature requests and demands never stop flowing - and everything you ever release as "OSS" turns into a chain around your ankle and a noose around your neck which slowly strangles you to death. Releasing "open source projects" turned out to always be a hassle which just complicates my life and adds stress and suffocation, so I stopped releasing things publicly. "Users" just suck ALL the joy out of programming.

Open source software is a 2nd full-time job but totally unpaid, and instead of having a boss, you have a million "users" rudely demanding things in lazily written tickets, all while constantly whining at you to slave away faster for free for them by bumping their tickets constantly to try to take your attention. This is why almost all project creators burn out and quit. The amount of time investment that's demanded of you, while you don't get any salary whatsoever and barely even get a thank-you, is insane as a Linux developer.

Funny thing though: Even though Linux users refuse to pay to get high-quality apps, they happily throw money at closed-source games made for Linux, while loudly exclaiming "omg thank you for noticing our little platform and giving us something good, senpai, I will throw all my money at you! Name your price! 50 bucks? 100 bucks? Here, take my wallet and name your price, since you are a literal God for caring about Linux!".

They happily pay huge sums for closed-source games. Big wtf.


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Some people claim "well, the reason why I want free and OSS apps is because I want to see the source code to look for malware", but that is total nonsense too.

It is not the commercial software you have to worry about. If a company includes malware, their public company will be sued and destroyed, they lose all their income and they may end up in prison.

What you REALLY have to worry about is the unpaid open source developers with anonymous GitHub accounts, who have anonymity and financial incentive to include malware (either directly in the source code, or in the final binaries such as AppImage files, or insane things like wget'ing a script file piped into "sudo bash"). There are tons of examples of malware in GitHub repos, in various packages for package managers like pip and npm, in things like Arch's AUR, etc. Most of the malware has been crypto-wallet stealers or general keyloggers (which, as a sidenote, is ridiculously easy to create on Linux since X11 was written in the hippie days and allows full, system-wide keylogging and screenrecording by any program running as a normal non-root user, without any security whatsoever).

Linux users are so freaking whiny and demand everything to be free or else they all boycott it.

The day that devs can actually make a living and pay their rent and put food on their table from making Linux apps is the day Linux will finally become as good as Mac and Windows (on the app front). Having lots of very good software would also mean that Linux would finally gain mass-appeal, and could actually achieve "the year of the Linux desktop" to finally end the meme.

Until then, enjoy the "apps with Windows 95-like GUIs that were last updated 3 years ago".


didn't read but I also don't use lenux on the desktop because I'm not a fag

Pajeets shilling for Linux have kept me away from it.

Lol retards itt dont understand that the ticket pushers for new features are the guys who are selling your shitty project as proprietary software.
You are making new features for them to sell easier and make even more money hahahahaha

foss is a scam

>Get told real facts by an actual developer
>Scream "kys" and keep demanding free stuff
Way to prove OP's point

It's a bot post, idiots. Ignore it and let it sage

op is filtered

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Stopped reading right there
>reading all this
Kys Jay.

office work is not real work

>No arguments
>Can't refute OP, tries to get jannies to delete the thread again
Why is the Linux "community" like this?

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they cant accept the truth

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My understanding is that these devs are paid by big tech corps to continue development of their projects if it's useful to them.

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The big corps pay for projects useful to the big corps. Not to the users. That means projects to deliver enterprise services get money and all user facing apps get nothing.

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Can you stop seething for one minute and actually refute anything OP has said? What's wrong with you?

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