Have any of you ever been diagnosed with pedophilic disorder?

Have any of you ever been diagnosed with pedophilic disorder?
What are your experiences with this?

Asking for a friend

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seek help

There is literally no such "disorder"

No, agent Leary. In fact, none of us here have.

Maybe we can have a discord server to talk about it?

No, agent Leary. That's quite alright.

I don't see how anyone would get such diagnosis short of getting vanned and then being forced to attend some sex offender classes.

Are you implying I'm an FBI agent trying to lure pedophiles into a honeypot? That's ridiculous. I'm just another user, just like you. Besides, FBI doesn't even handle CSEM cases. Homeland Security does and we're way better at it than the FBI every was.

According to the DSM 5, there is
It's pretty rare to get that diagnosis but not unheard of.
Some people get really guilty and depressed after realizing they are pdf files and go to therapy.

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*they're way better.

I’m not OP kek

You don't have to be OP to be a fed lol.

>we're way better at it than the FBI

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I just want friends with similar interests :/

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Agent Leary.

Can I get a job?

I'm sure they could use a few more pedos.

I think I'm a pdf file too.

I'm old-school. I'm a doc file.