This is how Any Forums channelers react when shown that censorship has taken hold on the channel but it is the...

This is how Any Forums channelers react when shown that censorship has taken hold on the channel but it is the discovery that angular momentum is not conserved that is being censored everywhere, so why not here as well.

Attached: headupass.jpg (317x425, 33.75K)

i wish i could eat my own ass.

Well don’t worry, cause that is exactly what you are doing if you sit back and allow censoring here. Like you all are doing.

But angular momentum is conserved. Emmy Noether said so. You just hate women.

over saturation? poor comprehension?

Is being ignored the same as being censored?

Ohai angular momentum user, you still misattributing physics in order to make yourself out to be special?

that guy is sucking his own dick? how? just asking for a friend?

Most people do not understand what angular momentum is. They have no opinion on whether it is conserved or not and would not understand how either outcome would affect the world they live in. There is no reason to censor this because people are dumb.


I am sorry about it, but Emmy Noether is wrong because nature says so.

The fact that you are in love with her is not going to change nature to agree with her. Sorry.

Simple indoctrination and bias.
It is okay for someone to be censored provided you don’t like what they have to say.

The problem with it is that if you accept that then the next one to be censored might be you.

No. Not really. I am not talking about being ignored. I am talking about my phone being hacked and the internet being turned off and my comment being fast tracked through the pages until gone and then immediately after, my internet being restored on my phone.

I am talking about my wifi ip range being blocked from posting here immediately after my first post in /sci/ and me being blocked for a day immediately after and told that my post was not for the /sci/ channel.
I am talking about targeted harassment and desperate censorship.

I have never claimed to be special moron. I have simply stumbled upon a stupid mistake made 300 years ago and overlooked. The fact that you have issues considering the possibility you are wrong, makes you a bad scientist and even worse engineer.

You know if you’re weren’t such an autistic schizo I’d actually be interested in looking into your theory.

Everyone who has ever seen an ice skater had an uncle or someone telling them about conservation of angular momentum and as such is indoctrinated from very young and then claims to know nothing about it when faced with very simple maths showing it false. It is called abandoning your own authority, or appealing to authority and it is dense.

I don't even have a horse in this race, if you could convince physicists and have this notion changed, more power to you.
It's you making whining threads like these that I'm criticizing.

If you weren’t such a closed minded indoctrinated moron, you would have looked into it and accepted the obvious and undeniable fact that 12000 rpm objectively falsifies COAM and be supporting me.

You have a horse in the race, but you abandon your own authority because you cannot defeat my claim but you want to believe that your indoctrination is correct, so you appeal to authority and neglect the fact that 12000 rpm objectively falsifies COAM. Like a flat earther neglects evidence of sphere.

No not really, I don't care whether you are right or wrong. This doesn't impact my life in any way.

You imagine that it does not impact your life because you are prejudiced and biased. If you were open minded and could see the simple truth, you would recognize that this will have a massive impact on all humanity. You mistake your delusional prejudice for disinterest.

You interpret everyone with such bad faith user.
You talk shit about flat earth people, yet you act just like them, where you set yourself up as being right and think the scientific world is maliciously opposing you.
If you could actually prove yourself right, scientists would be enthusiastically looking into what this revelation changes about what they know about the world.
Go convince a physicist user, they can actually do something to proliferate your find if it turns out to be true.
I can do nothing for you in that regard, I work in a grocery store, so a change in physics doesn't apply to what I do.