Is this good or bad weed. The way it looks I mean. I'm new to smoking I dont know what looks good or not

Is this good or bad weed. The way it looks I mean. I'm new to smoking I dont know what looks good or not

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that shit looks like it came out of my ass

Looks like weed.

>Is this good or bad weed.
cum on it, smoke it and report back, idiot.

its not bad

You're pure cringe. Kill yourself.

Looks fine to me

looks dense and frosty

I smoked some and it was too strong for me. Made my heart race. Most likely laced with chemicals or something. It also has seeds and black shit in the leaves.

Somebody gave me a jar of this for free. Into the trash it goes I guess

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Assuming this isn't a troll that's just what weed does. At the end of the day it's a stimulant. The purple is natural, the seeds actually indicate it's less high quality. Throw away if you want or maybe keep it for later. Weed is rarely if ever laced.

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Sell it. And clean your nails.

Rather mail it to me.

It is bad weed. Old foosty

Looks a bit freezer burnt

Weed isn’t a stimulant you retard.
Just smoke less, if you’re new to smoking you want to smoke smaller quantities. If you have no tolerance and you smoke a big fat spliff, you obviously aren’t gonna have a good time. Even worse if you combine with caffeine with barely anything in your system. The weed looks fine, stop being a dumb nigger.

Ofc its a stimulent, Until you have too much and it becomes a downer

I have smoked weed that I previously tried to flush down the toilet while I hallucinated the cops coming for me because I was tripping balls. This doesn't look like shit-weed. I'd know.

Weed looks good. Nails are nasty.

Also works good for giving you an appetite ;)

Put it in a dark room, set your phone camera to flash and take a pic. If there's lots of reflection it's good weed.

Throw it away unless you want to end up like this guy.

Attached: typicalPothead.png (962x789, 1.02M)

I grinded with my fingers, nails are dirty. Maybe it's not so bad. How much would a gram of this go for? It's dependent on where you live, yeah?

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dont smoke it regularly, prevent addiction, this way you will get more fun out of it. trust me.

the whole "smoke weed erryday" thing is overrated and actually will just make your life stand still and get you depressed in the long run...

but who cares about the long run when you can get high am i right?

Yeah, looks good, grower here.

you got ripped off

That thing looks plastered with trichomes, and it's been manicured right down, probably by machine. It's just a strong strain user.

Looks nice. If you ever come across weed that has a slightly brown look to it, it's prolly good.

I don't know if this is a good picture. I can't seem to get my phone to focus in the dark

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