Quad9 now blocks files.catbox.moe

Quad9 has recently just blocked files.catbox.moe for seemingly no reason, but not catbox.moe??? What the fuck kind of cuck shit is this? Any Forums told me Quad9 was good...

Attached: quad9.png (1523x1002, 151.52K)

>>Any Forums told me Quad9 was good...
>trusts Any Forums on anything besides which dragon dildo is the best

Use Pihole+Unbound

NextDNS blocked it too.

post an example

dig @ files.catbox.moe

Works on AdGuard. Whatever Quad9 node is closest to me literally only has about 95% uptime.

>Why can't I see anything on files.catbox.moe?
>Catbox is currently blocked by some ISPs and filtered DNS servers. If you're a subscriber of British Telecom (BT), Vodafone, or some Australian/New Zealand ISPs, and are not using custom DNS servers, you will probably have issues. Additionally, Catbox has been blocked by Quad9 before. The question is, why are you still using ISP/filtered DNS servers? Consider using OpenDNS, Quad8 (Google DNS), or Level3.

files.catbox.moe is also blocked by my AV for some reason

use adguard dns like a sane person

use pihole and quad 1 like every other white person

this is the problem when op is a massive faggot.
>Unsecured: No Malware blocking, no DNSSEC validation (for experts only!)
now btfo somewhere else and learn to read

I used dns.watch but now I use unbound cause it fells like the way things should be infact I should use my own root hints and just fucking use my own internet with blackjack and hookers


correct answer

why can't there be some DNS server software that compares 2 or more dns servers and if responses differ create an error (or in case of 3 or more use the dominant one)

AdGuard Home got following two options if you want do queries from all configured DNS-servers:
>Use parallel queries to speed up resolving by querying all upstream servers simultaneously.
>Query all DNS servers and return the fastest IP address among all responses. This slows down DNS queries as AdGuard Home has to wait for responses from all DNS servers, but improves the overall connectivity.

>for seemingly no reason
it glows.

Attached: 1658256916447.jpg (1219x1536, 1.01M)

sony and some others forced them in certain bootlicker countries to ban or else they'd face consequences, just look it up, they had a video about it, not that I trusted quad9 before anyway


>opting into censorship

you can add it to your allowlist and it works fine