Competent programmer

>competent programmer
>founder of the biggest software company in the world
>one of the richest men in the history of humankind
>charmingly awkward, as every legit Any Forums poster
why ain't he in the sticky instead of the fat bearded faggot?

Attached: 1659822834200.jpg (978x978, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because privacy
Also everyone hates the succ

He's a jew who stole everything from the true gigachads

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>competent programmer
He wrote facebook in php. No excuses, there were other options back then.

Glownigger plant

He's a Jew.
Php is literally one of the best languages in existence.

Always do the opposite of what a Jew says, but copy their actions verbatim.

jewish is a RACE, not a religion, imbecile
marky mark with his milky white skin, red hair, and piercing blue eyes would make Hitler proud

Blood drinking k***

if privacy were a real concern, instead of """"privacy"""", everybody would hate this homo faggot

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shut up retard

>le privacy from hackers but not zog
Macfags need to die asap

If you aren't a terrorist, kill yourself.

>gets cucked by David Fincher

holy shit, zucc backstabbed peter parker, and later became superman AND batman's archrival

Attached: luthor.webm (500x200, 741.23K)

Imagine making a movie about you and people still think you're a weirdo afterwards. Yikes.

It's like if those hollywood jews would really, really hate him

He's still a Jew

reptiles belong on /an/

Attached: 1b2.png (414x459, 323.74K)

He tried to make cash cattering to the rightoids, and the stablishment didn't like it
So, now he's the bad guy and media won't rest until his company is dead
Also, SOCIAL MEDIA BAD, is just state propaganda aimed at censoring free speech

he's kinda sexy ngl

>>competent programmer
he wouldn't stand a chance against my boy bill

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the shills are fighting it out