McSpaghetti thread

McSpaghetti thread

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It's when I see things like this that I'm glad the north Americans have regular mass shootings in their schools, culling this absolutely degenerate nationality is essential for the betterment of humankind.


this is a McD item that unique to the Philippines you faggot

>seeth harder faggot

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Mama mia, look what they did to my boy.

kys Boris

Phillipines you absolute plebian

>a couple of hundred Americans a year is a meaningful difference
what are they teaching you circle-jerking retards in your country?

People should remember that McDonald's is a global corporation, and that the offerings differ not only regionally but nationally as well. This is from the Phillipines. They have crazy shit in German and Japanese and all other McDonald's too.

Oh, so it's just noodles and ketchup.

>McDonalds is a Philipino corporation
Did you actually?

And all of them are made by focus groups in America that think "hey these ingredients are cheap in x country rn, what shitty slop can we put together and sell there?" You don't see local businesses butchering recipes from all over, it's always, and specifically, corporations with a HQ in the USA. I'm guessing philipinos never heard of spaghetti bolognaise so Americans figured they could shit in a box and tell them it's authentic italian cuisine.

It was global. It just was a hit in phillipines. I hope this comes back

Hope you realize those russian cheese nuggets are simply called kaaskroket in holland and belgium

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Do people like it though? Does it sell well?

that's not correct. asian mcdonalds have asian cuisine designed for their culture. i'm sure profit is a huge motivator as far as food quality goes, but they try to stay true to the culture.

hawaiian mcdonald's have spam and eggs for breakfast.

also, my filipino friend LOVES sweet spaghetti (adds a bunch of brown sugar to the sauce) with fried chicken.

For instance.

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