Why do Trumptards think trickle down actually works...

Why do Trumptards think trickle down actually works? Why do Trumptards defend trump printing 40% of the money in circulation now?

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>Why do Trumptards
LoL those polls tho. Have fun at midterms.

Attached: dems population change.jpg (819x1024, 114.98K)

I'll give you an example of how trickle-down economics doesn't work. I recently switched to a job that pays me 50% more. The job I had prior to this paid me a decent salary. With this new job, it's safe to say it's more money than I actually need to maintain my lifestyle. You know what I'm doing with the extra money? I'm just putting it in the bank.

What know what I'm not doing with it? I'm not giving larger tips when I eat out. I'm not paying more money for things than I normally would, as I continue to price compare items. My increase in income is just going into the bank.

There's your trickle down economics and don't tell me you wouldn't do the same. Why would anybody think that just because I get a pay raise, I'd give all the businesses I patronize a pay raise?

same reason why they want a society built around individualist hedonist excesses then complain everyone is greedy and selfish, then try to solve that by being more authoritarian (particularly with their children) then complain everyone's sheep.
the entire system is build with the contradictions of a narcissist

>politicians fix things
fuck you

Piss trickles down, not wealth.

I’ve never met a smart liberal

>thinks both sides aren't pigheaded
No sir, fuck you. And with that I wish you a good day.

because trumps cum trickles down their chin like clockwork so they think everything works that way

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Because you never leave your trailer park.

Attached: Whole Trailer Park.jpg (1395x1302, 226.36K)

The left has literally zero say so on anything hedonistic

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>i have money and dont tip

and about how much cock do you have weekly, 8 or 10 black ones?

And your point is?

>data showing women get abortions because they just want to have sex
>wat dis mean?

>trickle down economics exists
>it's what Trump believes in

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Well that’s a funny way of saying you never went to college

Though the millennials deserved it

And your point is?

the mainstream left are just republican juniors, they both suck. get you faggot brain out of the binary mindset. and with that have a good day.

Show me where in my comment that says I don't tip. Another Trumptard twisting statements to whatever they like.

The US saves almost nothing
You're saying you put 100% of any wage increases into savings
You don't spend a dime on anything else
You'll never buy a home (or a bigger one), buy a better car, take an extra vacation, have kids, or anything else that would incur a new expense
Instead you'll keep on living on the same amount of money you made in your first job until the day you retire
And that's why this entire economic system doesn't work
Because you're completely normal

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How much debt are you in genius college xir?

Actually I got a scholarship, so none. How much do you earn at the warehouse, Cletus?

Depends on how much Biden forgives
Oh wait that's trickle economics
Taking from the poor kids who weren't able to afford college
To give to the rich kids who went to college
And hoping that'll trickle down to the poor kids

None anymore because I researched the financial outcome of my major (mechanical engineering) and made sure it had a positive ROI within 5 years.

Attached: College Major Popularity ROI.png (853x1226, 72.93K)

How does it feel to be a complete outlier

There is no such thing. You've been lied to. That's why you posted this dumb meme.

This has to be the dumbest graph you guys have ever posted. I mean you cannot be this retarded?

Now go ask the same questions to women who have been raped.