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I'm sorry you're black.

s..sorry Master.

im so sorry.

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We're so sorry sir.


Shut up racist.

Stupid nigger.

We don't use that word in this thread.

Stupid is a harsh word.

I mean the N word.

You faggots and the N word making niggers think it has fucking magical powers.

White people should never use the N-word without the express permission from a fully-fledged black man who gave them the pass. Even then the pass is a once time use thing.

Isn't this the nigger from that video of him approaching police and screaming "ARREST ME. I'M RIGHT HERE." And they fuckin drench him in pepper spray like a KFC chicken tender? Then they grab him by rhe back of his nigger dreadlocks and bring him to the ground like a broken buck? Haha good times

I'm sorry that your race is inferior

lets go

That niglet has flabbier arms than his mamaw w da beedus. He's supposed to be scarry?

this is the angle some blacks take when looking smart and witty is out of the question. May as well try to scare whitey

What is a mamaw, Cletus?

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Thats very poor grammar but I accept your apology.

not until your cock is in my ass

Im sorry white people bought your ancestors from arabs.

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sorry, now please fuck my wife

and the jews.

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My family never owned slaves and were slaves in Europe
Fuck off.

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found the filthy slav. its funny you think you're white though. hilarious really. slavs=one half a step above niggers.

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