FF8 is better than FF7

FF8 is better than FF7

better graphics, better story, better battle system

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>Better graphics
>Better story
I disagree, but it's debatable
>Better system
Hahaha no

Better system... KYS

I like FF8 more too cause of nostalgia purposes but I wouldn't say any of these things are "better" just different

Explain how the enemies level scaling to you is a better system? Or how the GF system is better than summons?

For me the worst part is tying magic to stats, which discourage use of magic.

Graphics is the one thing that always get better in FF games. Except for 11 which is a big outlier

I like ff7's battlesystem, the biggest problem is how a lot of materia is locked in the later chapters so it kinda pushes you towards trying to speed run till the last chapter so you can farm the final dungeon for 100 hours leveling materia even with double or triple growth weapons as if you weren't already bored to death farming cactuars or spirals. Also enemy skill materias it's just hella annoying there is one you can't max out even if you can get all the best e-skills anyway on the last one.
I mean worse case scenario you can always farm source items to up stats your party is weak in so much better than tactics and stuff when you're locked into professions to max speed as much as you can on most everyone if you know what you're doing.

Squall is a whiny faggot. He's one of the most unlikable FF hero of all time.

idk FF7 and FF8 are both pretty ugly ass games by today's standards

take it back nigger

what fucking year do you think it is?

Fucking retarded zoomers. What a shock that games from 20 years ago would have worse graphics. How dumb can you be?

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By today's standard, yes.
But at their time, they were top quality graphics.
Visual excellence is a major point in final fantasy games

FFX is the best of the entire series so who gives a fuck.

From the very best the order is 6, 10, 7 , 9.

Step aside

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6 is ancient pixel trash and 10 is preteen cringe anime dogshit. Kill your underage self

I played 6 when it came out faggot. Eat a dick.

What does that have to do with anything you pathetic failure of life? You like bragging about being ancient trash yourself?

14 > 7 > 10 > 6 > 11 > 5 > 9 > 12 > 15 > 8 > 13

I agree 100%

Lol, what a whiny useless littler zoom zoom you are.Your generation is the weakest group of faggots ever.

Exactly the opinion of someone whose father raped them as a child. Seek therapy.

Attached: your a fag.jpg (418x600, 71.32K)

>100 Ultima
>100 death
>100 sleep
Consider yourself broken, ff8.

well yeah but how are you going to get 100 ultima spells

Elnoyes and tri faces