Texas agrees and says Biden is illegitimate president

Texas agrees and says Biden is illegitimate president.

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What do you larps have to say about that!!!

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It's irrelevant since you live in a democracy instead of a communist dictatorship because literally every other state in the country currently recognises Biden as president

It is interesting how many people in power in USA want to debase the democratic process or are at least comfortable doing so. I mean... GOP is actively damaging USA. Think abaout the relationship that Ike had with JFK... that seems to be completely beyond the ability of some modern politicians.

OP has clearly knows the following things about the constitution;
A) The 2nd amendment exists
B) ???

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Yeah and Texans are a bunch of snowflakes

Lol whine more Texas bitches. Biden's your daddy.

And everything remains the same. Just take care of yourself, because it doesn't really matter who you vote for. It's all been predestined and it's always been this way.

Yes this is a fact.
The fact you are willing to not see is just hours ago Texas watched the movie 2000 mules and with this and testimony from true the vote they have just now deemed joe Biden an illegitimate president. In case you don’t know how things work in the USA it takes one state to stand up and say their opinion and after that others states say “well there could be something to this” they investigate and folllow suit. BIDEN IS GOING DOWN. He will be ejected from his current position this year.

Sure thing Q

Try the 25th amendment. This is one we will be hearing about very soon for sleepy joe.

Texas secedes from the union and forms their own republic.
All federal installations close and move out of state.
20% of the revenue disappears overnight.
All federal employees move or become unemployed.
Texas must enact treaties to trade with the US and other countries.
Gas, oil, power grid in shambles.

Best part: the economy of the 49 states improves without that drain.

Imagine basing your opinion on evidence so weak that it went straight to DVD instead of being admitted in court kekw. Stop trying to subvert democracy you commie faggot

Not Q based since literal governments are taking head on this. As much as you’d like it to be a conspiracy, this shit is the real deal chud.

>Trump currently on trial and going to jail.
>His actions reflect what he's willing to do to get his way.
>If left in office, this man will incite revolts by his band of crazies in any location where his political power is weak.
>His actions alone would've brought America to a point where they wouldn't be able to defend themselves in the case of an invasion.


Listen, I hate Brandon for allowing the country to dive down this deep, and I believe he was voted in to: 1, get trump out of office, and 2 get Kamala Harris into a position of power, for the blacks. He was not chosen for his merits or promises, and should be removed from office for the sake of the country.

But Trump is no better. Quite frankly, the last 6 years have shown that old men with dementia do not belong in positions of power.

I definitely seen it listed in theaters so your claim is wrong. But imagine not me but actual governments accepting it as evidence. Based. And will impeach this illegitimate kook.

Texas is a retarded cuck state with a cripple as governor. Let 'em burn in the summer heat.

Man, the GOP has turned into an absolute embarrassment that would wreck the country just to play retarded partisan politics to please 50 IQ Trump cultists.

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So a guy who was just in jail for fraud is to be believed? A presidential pardon means you admit you are guilty and are forgiven the crime.

>immigrate to America
>immediately starts scamming gullible people out of their money
Kek, Indian man is Indian.

I’m with you. My opinion is trump failed big time. He worried about money and jobs while he should have been locking these corrupt people up and shutting down all of our corrupt agencies.
But with finding Biden stole the election he along with his VP and entire administration will be removed and trump reinstated. If Biden stole the election it only means trump won.
But a way forward with the best president candidate is clearly Ron Desantis. This guy will do everything trump promised but was too scarred to follow through with.

>2000 Mules
you mean that movie about election fraud by D'Souza, a convicted election fraud felon who was pardoned by Trump?
sounds legit

texas is stupid
why agree with the stupid people?

Oh right of course, my apologies, I did leave out a few forms of media that you're being milked of what ever benefits we pay you. It's telling that you think something being played in a cinema is comparable to being admitted as evidence in a court though.

what will Texas say when trump is imprisoned kekkek

List no names so no one knows what you are referring to. Gotcha.

but jet fuel can’t melt…..