What does a woman's balls smell like?

what does a woman's balls smell like?

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women dont have balls faggot

they smell nice

love women with feminine penises

Honestly nothing. They have great hygiene

Like a man's balls but cleaner and with a sweet estrogen tinge to them
The real difference is in the mouthfeel, silky smooth

Attached: secksy trans girl from behind.webm (640x1138, 1.9M)

That bitch got lip injections

women be doing wild shit to theyselves


You can always tell when someone got lip injections and they always look like shit

rubber if i had to guess maybe leather

i noticed really fem low test twinks balls smell like pussy. whereas masc guys (who i dont really like) have a smell similar to mine. i dont know what this means, but scientists should study this.

this is some "bags of sand" type answer

What scientist really need to study is why people think there’s a such thing as a female with a dick and balls or a “feminine cock”

gross af

Males have balls Women have Ovaries...

Wanting to know what a mans balls smell like is gay you're gay, OP was and still and always has been and never has not ever will be known as FAG

lol this fag has obviously never smelled a woman’s balls before then

Women don't have balls.

sweet, slightly sweaty skin

Male ball sweat and delusion.

You are a gigantic faggot and you smell like musty balls

They already did that, it’s called being mentally ill