Folks are slowly finding ways to circumvent dalle's nsfw content filtering

Folks are slowly finding ways to circumvent dalle's nsfw content filtering.
The day of generative porn is almost upon us. A bright dawn awaits.

Are you ready, Any Forums?

Attached: dalle.png (788x788, 1.14M)

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i hope so. my country blocked all porn sites and boorus. so this is big hope for me

Based ai tech comes to the rescue for human porn rights.

What a time to be alive!

thats also blocked without serious workarounds like packet forging or icmp tunnels

Why do we have an NSFW filter in it in the first place?
Which country do you live in?

Probably to prevent deepfake porn or fucked up shit like celebrities blowing their brains out

>fucked up shit
idk sounds pretty based to me

They're preventing future lawsuits with the cover of morality really

Is that really a big deal? People already do latter imagery manually anyway, it's not like it's going to stop anything anyway.

Seems odd for a tech company to take a moral standing. It seems Americans are especially sensitive about porn topics, and nudity in general. Here in EU we even have nude beaches and nobody bats an eye.

Do those kinds of lawsuits work though? It's not like Adobe is getting sued right and left just because people use it to make porn

woaoah black betty bam ba ram

Why would you pay for something like that when you have have zillion most wicked porn you can imagine for free right now.

Even if the lawsuits ultimately fall through, they're still a waste of time and lawyer money.

LARP. You're literally posting on a porn website.

Doesen't the loser pay legal fees?

Any Forums and boards in general have unique design of not saving posts and threads. everything goes 404. and to censor body it's an okay condition as it complies with the law
>you have bad picture, remove it sir
>okay will be removed in a week

No, I don't watch porn because it's retarded primate behavior that will ensure that you will all but assuredly fail in whatever you're trying to do with life because you're flooding yourself with dopamine that doesn't really belong in your brain at this levels. Stop watching porn and do a dopamine fast and you'll see your productivity levels soar through the roof. You'll also instantly understand why 99% of people fail in life. Be strong, ignore porn of all types. If you must masturbate, use your imagination. And if you can't even finish just using your imagination, that just makes your poor state of being even more apparent.

Attached: Brain-on-porn1.jpg (1200x525, 84.12K)

which is why sites like desuarchive is blocked. because it SAVES. this makes too much sense to not consider why Any Forums still not banned

Are you retarded? Who cares if the images are saved or not? Still a porn website. You can always save them to your device. And Any Forums is hosted in the US, not in whatever 3rd world shithole you're posting from.

>noo it's at tranime website
>nooo it's a porn website
This is a politics/vidya/shooter website, faggot.

Whatever happened to :"mother+daughter" breaking every default search filters?
Now you need to type "mother+daughter++step+wet"

>leaving your bedroom makes you more productive
Who would have guessed?

Look at the catalog of any (blue) board. It's 80%+ coomer bait.

I've done nothing but coom 1-4 times a day, and yet I'm in the top 10% earners in my country

Use a custom DNS/HTTPS or VPN.