I dare you make arguments against Xfce that doesn't include the words mouse or feces

I dare you make arguments against Xfce that doesn't include the words mouse or feces

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rat shit. KDE exists.
i use GNOME btw

Dead project with outdated design


a swifty os like always

Attached: lel.jpg (720x1280, 228.09K)

*ruins your de*
nothing personnel kid

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>outdated design
it's the same as anything else

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it's mice excrement

>dead project
Things that work doesn't need to updated every other day
>outdated design
You can literally make it look anyway you want. Unlike Gnome where they have outright banned theming


>You can literally make it look anyway you want.
i have a job

As do I. What's your point?

>Things that work
it doesn't
>doesn't need to updated every other day
everything has bugs and everything needs to be updated, cope
>You can literally make it look anyway you want.
changing theme is not changing the gui design
>Unlike Gnome where they have outright banned theming
that never happened, gnome actually has working extensions now

buggy panel (why is there no padding on the volume icon? why can't I change the padding? why are tray icons so much smaller than other panel icons? why do my launchers randomly move around when I log out and back in?)
works like shit with GTK3 stuff (theming is buggy, anything GTK3 looks like shit with huge titlebars that don't always match xfwm theme + half the xfce ecosystem is GTK3)
shit compositor that can't vsync properly, can't blur, it's practically useless
shitty animations, every other DE does them better
the settings are buggy as fuck - mouse settings don't do anything half the time
xfce itself has a shit ecosystem - no app store, piss poor text editor, unimpressive terminal emulator

also Thunar fucking sucks
I could go on but I think this is enough

Why would xfce have it's own app store? Are you retarded? Name one DE with it's own fucking app store

Gnome, KDE Plasma

Pretty sure those store are distro specific and not DE specific. You are kidding with me now, right?

>Why would xfce have it's own app store?
so you don't have to open terminal like an idiot just to install a video game
>Are you retarded?
believe it or not the rest of the word thinks it's actually you who's retarded for still requiring terminal for basic tasks
linux desktop, not even once

KDE has Discover and Gnome has gnome-software, it's not a distro specific thing, they work on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and IIRC even Arch just fine

Those stores has nothing to do with the fucking desktop environment you fucking retard

yes they do

>outdated design
>implying this is a bad thing

considering how shitty "modern design" is, this is actually a pro

Attached: dssa213.jpg (1920x1080, 375.77K)

Unappealing design and unproductive experience, out of the box.
Vanilla Xfce feels straight out Windows 98, but Xubuntu manages to get a more consistent experience.

All it needs is a few more sane defaults

actually they literally do, but keep acting like a screaming baby just to simp for this shitheap of a DE

xfcechads rise up

Attached: xue.gif (737x720, 727.78K)

Xfce is janky, use CDE

so to install kde software you use discover and to install gnome software you use gnome-software? what an ingenious way to complicate your life

do you not know what a software store does?

actually the rest of the world considers it a complication when you require them to open terminal and type obscure autism commands just to install software

>I dare you make arguments against Xfce that doesn't include the words mouse or feces
>mouse settings don't do anything half the time
epic fail

Yes I do. Do you? It installs software that is specific to YOUR DISTRO. If you can use both KDE store and Gnome store on Arch to install software in the Arch repo, is it not per definition DISTRO SPECIFIC? Fuck off, retard

Basic pro i guess

Attached: mis sparrow.jpg (1920x1080, 778.44K)

the repositories it takes from are distro specific, the software store itself is not

Un foutu surmulot.