What's so fucking great about it?

What's so fucking great about it?

Attached: 155833041624.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

The length, something they're well known for not having

It kept the Jews out

It’s an incredible piece of architecture. To say otherwise is pure retardation.

generations of murading death groups diplomacy war nothing breaks the spirt of these twats.
build wall death groups decide to farm and begin trading. The wall civilized monsters.

Its length. That's pretty obvious.

first structure visible from space if i remember correctly

> only chinese thing which still stands, from one of the oldest inhabited regions on earth
The Chinese didn't fucking build this

And the pyramids weren’t built by the Egyptians. What’s your point?

But its not visible from space

They should not be able to say they built it, but they do anyway

It's just a fucking wall, though.
And it fell down after a few years.
Most of what you see is reconstruction, pure CCP fantasy.
Roman roads are still intact today, and exceed the Great Wall of China both in length and in technical proficiency.

Great is also a synonym of large.

YOu cAn SeE iT fRoM sPaCe.
Yeah, you can also see most large parking lots from space,checkmate china


That's a magnificent wall. Kind of makes you realize how much of a pathetic failure Trump was.

Large is also a synonym of big.

It is very impressive tbf

seems the education system has lied to me again. thanks for not letting me continue to believe that stupid shit.

Wait until you find out the truth about the second world war.

hitler did nothing wrong?

Stop being racist

Greetings zhang wei