My ex gf went to africa on charity trip you think she has gotten blacked?

My ex gf went to africa on charity trip you think she has gotten blacked?

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She's your ex, why do you care?

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IF,pic related is ex,then yeah,she’s been well and truly blacked,right the fuck out.
KYS rather than try to progress with your mere existence.

I loved her and she is the only gf I have had. Just frustrated.

You are probably right :(

Well you're only making your frustration worse

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Mayb but im angry and hornt

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She most definitely has been blacked. Also you shouldn't worry about it since she is your ex. If you are that shaken up about it find a slut on Tinder and then go on about your life. There are other women out there no need to obsess about the past.

You are probably right. She already had been with two guys when we were together at 17 so shes kind of slut. But she was my slut :(

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It's your ex, why do you even think about it?

No shit,Sherlock.

Set up a tinder account and find a slut you can hook up with. Doesn't have to be a long term thing. Hell it could even be a one time deal.

If you want to find a more meaningful relationship make small talk to the women you see when you are out getting groceries or running errands.

Two other guys does not make her a slut. Grow the fuck up, Junior.

Well she lost her virginity when she was 14 sooo

fuck I hate the concept of tinder but just might have to do it

Do yourself the biggest favor ever; don’t do it.

Im afraid I then will just jerk off to my ex instead like im doing now

pro tip from someone twice divorced:
best way to get over an old flame you can't forget about is to mount someone new. you don't want to get into any kind of seriously committed relationship right now because you are on the rebound. go out spread your wild oats. if you live in or near a tourist town you can easily find someone who just wants to hook up for the night or for the weekend while they are in town. the key is to not get attached to anyone until you can get over your old flame.

Ok Boomer (unironically good advice tho thanks user)


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Technically a Millennial, but was raised by a boomer.

She has been blacked before travelling to Africa. She only went there for the real thing, fuck charity ofc.


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I mean she was always kind of a libtard and pro multicultralism and all that so not out of the question