AI porn is here

Stable Diffusion
"It will be open source under the Apache and MIT licenses, and will likely show up in commercial products as a result"
It begins...

Attached: a0f.jpg (641x530, 31.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

All those AI models are literally just copyright laundering.

They pretty much spit out modified versions of their inputs while pretending it was completely generated from scratch.

that's based
fuck copyright and fuck anyone who thinks intellectual property is real

Here is a question: would you have AI generate CP for the dark web so that the CP industry dries up and human trafficking becomes unviable, but at the same time you now have an infinite source of CP

Based. Copyright is a jewish invention that shouldn't exist.

CP industry is a myth, retard.

I'm pretty sure organized crime largely benefits from human trafficking. Having the same end product without the hassle should kick out the competition in no time, no?

I could see the moral quandary around being the one to create system for infinite CP though, not many capable would be willing to do that.

>I'm pretty sure organized crime largely benefits from human trafficking.
With CP production? No, that literally does not happen.

>Having the same end product without the hassle
That already exists. It's called "girls voluntarily filming themselves and posting it online for attention".

Why did it take so long?

How do I deepfake my family members?


You need a couple dozen hours of their face in videos

This but ironically

The CP industry and its sometimes associated human trafficking do not exist.
They're fabricated by law enforcement/government so they can pretend catching retards who download CP over the clearnet is saving children by the logic of reducing demand means reducing supply.
Look up any convicted child abusers and they're almost, if not always, abusing them because they want to, not because they need money. Even if people are absolutely desperate for money it is a stupid way of making money- any other illegal activity is more profitable and if you get convicted as a pedo your life both inside and outside of prison is over. Contrast that with being convicted for robbery, theft or fraud and you'd be stupid to start your darkweb Toys-in-Us © child abuse corporation.
Top center looks like my ex but with better tits.

Attached: 1269461392352.jpg (300x238, 11.34K)

Jut tell your sister it's for an art project or something

Can it make furry porn?

Attached: 1648450177109.png (796x854, 993.32K)

>not GPL
into the trash it goes

>not GPL
Holy fucking based.


would this make CP morally correct?

this seems like putting an effort to go several steps back from real porn, which is abundant to say the least.

It's shit
Like this user said it gets some input mix it with retard filters and tadah you get your "fresh" drawing. AI is a scam.

Attached: totally-fucked.jpg (443x442, 31.65K)