I'm sick of living in society,i want to leave

I'm sick of living in society
i got diagnosed a sociopath recently
i disagree with the doctors
yeah i don't see people as people anymore but thats for a reason
they basically aren't they're like machines i can sense if your real or not

no ones ever real nowadays the last person i met who was really being real
was a homeless guy i met at a library and he was awesome to speak to each day until he went missing

point is people don't do things for themselfs or there family and friends anymore
they just do everything for money everythings about money to buy new shit that is just a replacement for the old shit that broke because some rich guy need you to keep paying him and i'm sick of it

i'm planning out something right now its not complete yet but i want to run away to nature some where in Alaska maybe or some other open land that no one will touch much some place i can be alone at and peace ,away from the noise of society

Has anyone got any recommendations for anything places ,things to help me research ,things i need to watch out for since the government probobly wont let me just run off into the wilderness and stop paying money and etc

I know likely no one will take much note of this post since its on the internet but just encase there's someone else out there that this might resonate with its here

hope you enjoyed reading friend and if you got this far good on you have a great night/day

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install gentoo

you sound like an unironic idiot

look i don't care anymore ok
i'd rather had lived for myself and be free than
live a long life of making money to replace thats designed to break i know it sounds stupid but i don't care anymore if i stay in society i'm just going to end up hurting myself or other people i don't need any of the latest tech all i need it myself the way it was intended

get some therapy, faggot.
you'll die in the woods like that other faggot, who starved to death.

you sound like a whiny bitch.

>me, me, me, I, I, I

living in nature hurts no one you have no reason to hate the idea it doesn't effect you if i'm a sociopath your something worse saitan or some shit

I don't really care if i die or not
also that guy did no research before hand i actually plan on doing research so i can at least live to 50

Y-you too

You might wanna read into a lot of modern philosophy type books. Dostoevsky has a lot of books about what you're talking about, but I haven't personally read them so I can't speak to the quality. There's Camus with absurdists philosophy that really spoke to me. There's Nietzsche stuff although I suggest getting an annotated version as he's a little dense for my taste. That's all lit 101 so your post might do better over there.

You could also go to church at least as far as the text goes it's pretty humanist and anticapitalist. You'll also find some churches that practice that way as well, they may also ban a lot of things you think are rad but hey that's all up to you.

luke is that you?


>I don't really care if i die
then kill yourself at your earliest convenience

i don't need meds im aware people are actually people its a metaphor when i say fake people i'm referring to people who do nothing for themselfs there hole life they just work to make a rich dude richer it sounds ego but its not if you actually sit to think about it what are you contributed your hole life other than complaing about privacy or which programing lang is better?

i've tried but the human body has a built in reflex to stop you plus killing yourself is the pussies way out for people who don't want to do anything about anything

thanks for the educated response i'll look into it

>I'm sick of living in society
Why do you live in society then? Why do you go outside? Just sit at home and shut your curtains. You've got food delivery and sewage system. You can work from home. It's 2022.

But you just want attention, that's why you didn't figure it out. That's why you created this thread.

i actually created this thread to seek like minded people who might share the same dream of living in the wild away from people ,jobs and work who might have already done more research than me who might have some tips or leads on where to look

if i wanted attention i'd go pretend to kill myself on reddit i'm not a complete retard

OP, I deduce that you're 14 y.o. If you're older, you may have unironical, clinical retardation. Check with your pediatrician before it's too late to fix it.
If you're younger, great news for you. You're growing up faster than most kids. This phase wont last forever, just bear with it.

Watch this man called Luke Smith. Of course you sound like you wont be doing vlogs but ask yourself if you want to be like that man

I'm 18 and no I'm not retarded thanks all though if i saw you on the street i'd fucking break or hands and throw you into a lake

i've seen luke smith hes not too bad all though he kinda defeats the purpose of leaving people behind by having a fake wife and kids with said wife

Like minded people? Well I'm your man.
Living in the wild is irrational. There is no reason to get away physically since again, you can just shut yourself in, fullfill the need for occasional social interaction on sites like this one and make money freelancing from home, no interviews, conferences, clean.
And if you absolutely refuse to work, consider dating older women and living with them. That's what I did as a teen, there are a few tricks to get women to take care of you if you're interested. Things might have changed in the last few years though.

Also if you have any living relatives, try asking them for support. Tell them something along the lines of
>im learning code pls feed me for a year and then ill find a job and leave

Also, don't take the meds they give you. Tranqualizers are addictive, adhd meds are fine but mess up your dopamine levels, AD's are a big no-no, and never ever take antipsychotics. Speaking from experience, long-term experience.

lmao how much do you weight Rambo kun? bet you got bullied hard at school

Based, dylanaraps did same (+-) (github.com/dylanaraps), be a code monkey for rest of your life is boring

Hmm not OP but i think living in the wild is far from irrational. It is what Ted describes as taking back the power struggle into your own hands and I think that is exactly what OP needs or thinks he needs. He doesnt seem to care about the comfortabilities society has to offer because he realised its all smokes and mirrors. He is missing genuine human connection and to a degree probably kindness and meaning in the interactions with them. And it makes total sense imho.

You are a brave man if you manage to break away from society into (semi-)secclusion. However, my recommendation is to actually find a good community instead of going full isolation mode. Going into more remote places is a good start. A small tight knit community, hunting/fishing for yourself, reading etc... is probably what you are looking for so even though im not from the new world i think alaska might be a reasonable place to go to. Wish you luck and good fortune