Should we have gatekept more?

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sorry i meant this

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We didn't gatekeep at all. Maybe we tried, but there's still so many absolute tards on here it's insane. Algebra: Chapter 0 by Aluffi should be mandatory reading just to own le noobs; Fraleigh if we're kind

No, Lang's Algebra should be mandatory reading. That brick is what differentiates a "mathematician" from a mathematician.

>anything to do with A.I
you outed yourself, retard pretender

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>be me
>never browsed a chan
>decide to start lurking in Any Forums because I had nobody to talk about programming
>think that there are people who have a high level of programming and the conversations would be interesting
>tfw only a fraction of the people know programming and most of them are code monkeys
>migrate to Any Forums and /sp/
thanks to you guys for being absurdly retarded I got redpilled on the Jews and the clown world we're living on

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Any Forums phase is just a phase, you will soon realize how fucking retarded those people are

t. moshe abramovitz

Yes, we should've gatekept more, just look at this mouthbreather

>migrate to Any Forums
It's the opposite for me. I used to solely browse Any Forums, but I switched to Any Forumsinstead. I still occasionally check on my Any Forums and /k/ bros.

the problem was 90% of you guys can't keep up with an interesting conversation.
You say all that shit when the already satled-in community are a bunch of retards, and you included

I mostly spend my time in Any Forums and /f1/ because Any Forums it's not interesting.

How does basic grad algebra filter mathematicians?

500th niggers are bad thread is interesting?

Sounds like something a usefull idiot would say.
>I burn the american flag because America represents freedom
Sure, maybe you do, but everyone else doing it are communist kikes.
Likewise, communists are apt to shut down discussion with statements like "x isn't interesting"
I think it is interesting that we are essentially trying to maintain a society with violent druggy animals and giving them unlimited amounts of money.

Philosophical Investigations is better than Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. It's the Wittgenstein's more mature work. Apart from that, nice list.

Look at you putting me into one of your boxes. How do you demand interesting convo when you are unable to think outside of stale limits you memed your mind into.

>I'm not in x category because I am offended by being put in x category
Not very convincing, maybe don't parrot talking points if you don't want to be put in categories.

i only read the C book, and i tried dildo dragon which is not listed.
reading all this books will take years, years that i can invest in actual projects

>Papa Rudin
>Landau & Lifshitz
>Quantum Fields and Strings
Lmao, aint no """programmer""" of computer scientist ever read even half of those. Neither should they (except for their own edification), it's totally orthogonal to anything they will ever experience.

You infected your mind with high viral load making you unable to think original thoughts. You are the only constant in wherever you end up. You won't find interesting convo wherever you go.

Replace Hegel by Whitehead.

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Define interesting. Also lol at you "finding interesting convos" Any thinking human (myself included, but not you) can create interesting ideas like nothing.

Your ego is weak. I won't waste more time on you. I don't respect you enough.