Twitch/YouTube girls

Twitch/YouTube girls

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My #1


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which ASMR thots should I post??

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Emi my one true Queen

If only there was a site to look at the ugly whores

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Good simp! Give Bunny your savings!
>How much would a veteran simp like yourself recommend I donate? Does she have a normal stream or just her vtuber one?
Just her VTuber one AFAIK, though I've seen her remove her avatar sometimes! How about you start small, maybe 10 or 15 dollars? Depending on her reaction and how much you've still got left, we can increase!

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That means stay there faggots

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moar Rose!

She is peak cutie pie

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Corey holding how much of a chance you have at fucking any of these ugly twitch whores

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She is nothing short of a Goddess.

Bitch looks like she stinks like mayonaise

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that I can do

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my beautiful queen :3 how can anyone be so pretty??

i want to be her slave

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Why cant you fags make a discord and fuck off

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That sounds like a good idea! Start small and work my way up to large amounts.

Hopefully Mommy is happy with how much I donate, maybe it will be enough to buy her and her date dinner!

Just look at her adorable little feet

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