I unironically still use Windows 7

I unironically still use Windows 7

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I'm rocking Windows 12 myself


I unironically use Mint.
I distro hopped for a year or so.
Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro, Artix. None of them are as good.
Mint + Xfce is the best.

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Based. Last version of Windows that was usable OOTB.

Pathetic. Guzzle more pozzed cum in your room.

Cool story.

Cool opinions, Bra...

based ive tried a bunch but always go back to xfce

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My favorites are Xfce and Cinnamon

Installed in a vm last month or so to use my OPCOM for diagnosing my car.

I forgot that it just drops you on the desktop after installation is finished.

>What's your username and password?
> ...
>Ok cool. Here you go.

What? Where are the million opt-out question i have to answer? Ah i forgot window was pretty tolerable once.

But fuck you for still using it. I don't wanna support anything below windows 8 because extra development expense

>What? Where are the million opt-out question i have to answer? Ah i forgot window was pretty tolerable once.
>But fuck you for still using it. I don't wanna support anything below windows 8 because extra development expense

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>I unironically want my computer to get viruses by just browsing the internet and not having to do shit
Fuck's sake, people are idiots.

I unironically still nakadashi nanami-chan

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same, i'm still running it on my old pc. i'd switch to linux, but i'm too lazy to do so.

Don't know if you're a Zoomer or just some pretentious retard who found himself from Any Forums

i still use it as daily driver
it's the last version of windows that values stability, my autonomy, and productivity as opposed to trying to get people to "spend time with the os"
fuckhead i have 30 windows open and i need to look into a ddos attack i don't need you to decide to use all my cpu to do random bullshit and update shitty solitaire with microtransactions
let alone the fact i strictly oppose the sort of data collection w10 and up do (just uploading files from your pc at random lol)
one day ill have to switch, at which point ill just go kubuntu
i have shit to do and trade secrets to protect

Does anyone else find Windows 7 more comfy than XP? I get the whole nostalgic factor but 7 is just so versatile without it becoming a glorified touchpad toy

if just browsing the internet spawns viruses for you, pebcak

Summer can't end soon enough

you're unironically a loser

I'm retarded, how do you install win 7 in 2022? I could get some ISO but I never got it to work properly. I'm on win 10 atm and want to downgrade.

Still using Windows 7 for my old pc, Web, Youtube, Printing, it works perfect.

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