Revolving Doors

What happened? They used to be everywhere.

Attached: Revolving_Door.jpg (480x640, 73.78K)

They're annoying and shatter easily.

I still see them everywhere.

fat people can't get through them

they're in every mall and larger store here

Slower than ordinary automatic doors.

that's a good thing

>fat 'people'

sorry, what?

>used to be


Attached: revolting_door.gif (357x217, 1.5M)

this + shootings

Makes it hard for robbers and shoppers to escape so it's bad.

Oh that's why the double doors at the grocery store.

I loved them as a kid. At the supermarket and all

They're also known as "Americans."

I always hated those. Just make the fucking regular door, it doesn't even need to be automatic. They're especially annoying if you're carrying something really big in your hands.

Why did the door do that?

Vicious Circle

They didnt go nowhere, I use them almost daily

what is their purpose anyway?

save money on AC and slow you down, so you won't miss that deal on washer fluid while speeding to milk aisle.