Is kubernetes any good?

is kubernetes any good?

Attached: kuber.png (225x225, 3.86K)

Like for what? If you want to run a hobby website - no, you don't need k8s.

It's good for requiring companies to scale employee count sublinearly to service growth.
If I'm being generous, only like 100 companies in the world "need" it.
The actual number is probably closer to a dozen.

I'd imagine it is considering that cloud compute companies all have their own native ways to manage containers and yet they still have to have an opportunity to use kubernetes on top of it because how many people want to use kubernetes.

Or maybe it's all just Stockholm syndrome like Jenkins.

The latter. In fact, an Ansible playbook or just well-defined user data and a way to remotely kill bad nodes (usually the hard part that people just use k8s bandaid for) alleviates any need for k8s

Companies trend toward Kubernetes so that you put one "compute infra team" in charge of it and then the "pure devs" aren't burdened with thinking about anything beyond API design

Just use docker-compose.

wait until you get the the networking hell and hit the AWS node ehternet port limit or have to deal with calico and other virtual networks

This, put it into an autoscaling group and write out to a file if shit goes wrong.
If enough shit goes wrong have it restart the machine.

Entirely retarded take. Strictly speaking, not a singe company "needs" it, since even FAGMAN services worked just fine before k8s existed, however, any company that provides services with variable load will certainly benefit from using k8s, and that numbers probably in the hundreds of thousands worldwide.
K8s doesn't enable any workflow that would be otherwise unmanageable, it simply makes things more automated and easier to manage.

I still don't understand how the fuck networking works in Kubernetes. I have a script that spins up Kubernetes and some nodes in a VM, it works, I don't know how/why. Nodes don't get provisioned IP addresses properly though because why would they? This is just a VM.

Do I really need to set up BGP with one of the bare-metal distributions of Kubernetes in order to get this working properly in a lab environment?
I know I could just use something like Minikube but I want the real-deal, something close to a real deployment not a toy.

>since even FAGMAN services worked just fine before k8s existed
Incorrect take, look up Service Fabric and Borg.

>Do I really need to set up BGP with one of the bare-metal distributions of Kubernetes in order to get this working properly in a lab environment?
Yes, I ran into this exact problem myself 3 years ago. Although I'd be surprised if it was still true, but sounds like it.

Must be good since every fucking SWE/DevOps engineer job requires experience with it along with docker and terraform

Docker and Terraform are unironically good. Docker moreso than Terraform. Kubernetes is almost always YAGNI.

Somebody hiring backend engineers looking for experience with Kubernetes sounds like a red flag. It makes me think they cargo culted on the technology and now have no idea how to make it do what they want it to do and are looking for someone to clean up the mess and are hiring the wrong position for it.

Agreed, but sometimes it's more just like "knowing what Kubernetes is" so you don't shidd yourself when it comes time to edit a YAML file

- no

Do you work at a company of size comparable to Google, Amazon, Facebook? Then yes. Otherwise - no.

Depends, on aws, no. Gke yes.
Crds make k suck less

Who came up with this meme that you need to have thousands of containers for K8S to be worth it?

Even if you just have a few microservices it gives you some really strong availability guarantees and lets me sleep sound at night

Yeah there's some annoying yaml overhead but be real, you set that up once and then you touch it for 5 minutes every other week

I've extensively used k8s on both AWS and GCP and they've both been pretty similar. What differences did you run into that made you think GKE is so much better than EKS?

Depends how you're doing it user, if you're outsourcing to a cloud provider then yea fuck it, just throw 2+ containers into the cloud and be done. Sleep easy, pay a like $5 extra for no headache. 100% agreed.
If you're doing bullshit on-prem or handrolling your own k8s like basically every wannabe unicorn then it makes absolutely no sense unless you're at scale with FAANG