Is there anything morally wrong with legally owning an AR-15 or an AK-47?

Is there anything morally wrong with legally owning an AR-15 or an AK-47?

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No of course not.

Also, I hate children and america

Why do so many liberals think it’s a sin?

Nothing wrong with owning one illegally let alone legally.

Australian here. Are those prices normal? I always thought it would be a lot higher.

In how many FBI lists are you on?

You bet.

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Because they're idealistic faggots who think the police and government actually care about them

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Good to know... Can you tell us any more?

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I think they're talking about the use of those guns on people.

I thought the liberals wanted to defund the police and the conservatives were the Blue Lives Matters guys? The more I see Americans argue about politics, the more confused I get.

The edgy new-age liberals are all about that, but I'm talking about the still majority boomer neo liberals who actually vote

Well you have to balance what purpose it has. It only has one purpose. Saving your life against one or multiple aggressive attackers. I'm a pretty worthless person but people do rely on me if I died it's a downward spiral for the rest till they go.
Seems like the most morally absent point of owning an ar or an ak is that most cities have regulations against shooting ranges. There should be safety and competition courses for young people to participate in. If they got drafted they'd have one shoved in their hands and told to use them.

Morality is too subjective to begin with, therefore there is no right or wrong to be considered in regards to gun ownership.

It took you 22 words to say absolutely nothing.

It's not subjective you piece of shit. These people are expected to learn and use how to use them in an emergency or war. It's absolutely immoral to restrict it's usage and restrain them from training on the things till the time they're forced to do it. They should absolutely be able to own and practice with them. It's their life, and career on the line.

That is all entirely subjective though.

No, only retards with highly distorted perceptions of actual reality think so.

I have two and they haven’t killed any kids
Currently I’m building a AR10 in 308 and saving for a 9mm AK

It's not subjective. America first, Americans first. They deserve the best chance to come out on top. If they choose not to that's on them. They absolutely should have the right instead of being subjected to being cannon fodder for bankers. There is no grey area, the sooner they're taught on these things and trained regularly the better chances of survival they have with them. It's immoral to reduce their survival chances over political bullshit. Same goes for regular law abiding people. A good citizen is worth a lot more than a dead criminal.

That is subjective however.

Instruction sheet ftom the Stasi?

So if a screwdriver is used to kill someone should owning a screwdriver be morally right or wrong. And for the ocd guy that took 18 words

What score are you shooting for(forgive the pun) when you finally... you know?

That's on the person, not the gun or other gun owners.

I’m calling my 308 AR the buck breaker because the lower has a deer on it and it’ll be for hunting big game, not American pavement apes

no one said their worldview made any sense.