So user tell me about your hobbies?

So user tell me about your hobbies?

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During the day I like to worki in the yard or garden. At night I bully people I don't know on a anime image board

I have none
I had some when I was young
but nowadays I have 0 motivation
if you are under 20, try your hardest to master a hobby and set a goal or else you are going to end up like me

Here - maybe this'll help you.

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>martial arts

I’m a truck driver and my rational thought and logic revolve around astrology. I also love going to the gym

Reading, working out, admiring the beautiful European cultural legacy I've inherited and screaming at gypsies.

I have a dream journal that Ive been keeping up with (for the most part) for the last 5 years. It's helped me lucid dream a lot more frequently now.

I fap to traps

Have you learned anything insightful or meaningful about yourself?

Well, I love to suck penis

Saying "Video games" in response to being asked your hobbies is a sure fire way to make a pussy drier than Death Valley.


No. But I can fly and fuck whoever I want in my dreams.

Yeah, tell her lies so you can knock her up and marry a bitch that nags you for playing vidya.

Congrats, you played yourself.

>I spend my time on Any Forums, it's a board on Any Forums

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Same tbh


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Collecting Silver and elements in general,
Maintaining the house.

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I've never managed to have sex in a lucid dream. The dream always aborts itself if I try.

One time a pretty hot clerk at a gas station told me she just updated the ssd in her gaming PC completely unprompted. I think I must look like a massive fucking nerd or somthing. The last few jobs I worked at there were a few girls who said they liked to game but they might have just been claiming that so the conversation wouldn't be awkward. The video game stigma doesn't seem too bad with zoomer girls.

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When you first see sheet music do you know what the notes sound like in your head or do you have to play it first?