How do I into soldering?

How do I into soldering?
I know literally nothing about it.

Attached: soldering-istock-1089487772.jpg (2048x1299, 175.6K)

buy a soldering rod and get to it retard

ventilation is overrated

Where do I buy one

A video tutorial will be more helpful since it's a hands-on process, but the core concept is you make melty stuff hot until it melts onto where you want it.

Get the iron hot, put flux onto the pad (the metallic point on the PCB you are soldering to), heat the pad with the tip of iron, push solder into it so that it melts enough to make good contact, wipe flux clean. That's really it. Replace 'pad' with 'whatever metallic surface you are soldering to' if you aren't using PCBs like that. You may technically be able to solder without flux, but there's no point in not using it so just do it.

>buy a cheap soldering iron
>buy solder
>buy flux
>watch a couple yt tutorials

you fill me with rage

hot stick touches board
solder touches board
sticky wet metal
remove stick

It's trivially easy. just buy a soldering iron, some solder, a children's electronics kit and watch some soldering tutorials on youtube

Where do I buy one


Do mobilefags really?

the dollar store or home depot or somewhere they have tools

What are ones from Amazon like

Get yourself a PlayStation power cord and shove a paperclip into it

it doesn't matter, all you need is a metal stick that gets hot, and a roll of the solder

>buy soldering iron
>buy solder
>hold wires together
>heat solder onto wires
looked like shit, but worked for me. I bought some """"electrical"""" lead free solder and it was shit. Buy the normal lead solder.

that being said. Anyone have tips for maintaining your soldering iron? Mine has already become shit after like 5 uses.

Any soldering iron will do. While just a hot metal rod may work, but that's too dangerous and will probably give poor results

Craft files from hobby lobby or equivalent work for me to keep the tip sharpish

Re-tin your tip and don't leave your iron just running for a long time.

Fan fact the heater core from a heated prostate bucker is usually just a repurposed soldering iron. You can easily save 10 or 20 bucks by salvaging the iron from a cheap Chinese unit.

For filing away the rough tip of the iron that is

i'm a big fan of tinning the tip every 2 or 3 joints max.

google ts100, hakko t12 tips, 3d printed hakko ts100 tip adapter and grip, 5525 barrel jack to usb c adapter, ts100 soldering iron stand