/og/ - OCaml General

Welcome to OCaml general. This is a thread about anything related to OCaml, ML, Reason, Coq, etc.

- Wanting to learn OCaml?
amazon.com/OCaml-Very-Beginning-John-Whitington/dp/0957671105 (for people new to programming)
dev.realworldocaml.org/ (for imperative programmers)

- Want to learn ReasonML?
amazon.com/Learn-Type-Driven-Development-applications/dp/1788838017 (For OCaml developers)
amazon.com/Web-Development-ReasonML-Functional-Programming-ebook/dp/B07RLXBK4Z (For JavaScript developers)

- What's a monad?

- Basic CRUD in OCaml

Attached: Miyamizu_Mitsuha_Real_World_OCaml.png (1280x720, 821.14K)

That's a meme I haven't heard in about 20 years.

Imperative web shitter spotted

OCaml is really powerful. You should check it out while you're here!

Attached: 1659540406314917.gif (500x500, 816.52K)

What do you guys think of ClojureScript?

( + ) 3 4;; (* 7 *)
( *. ) 23. 3.;; (* 69. *)
( + ) ((+) 3 4) 5;; (* 12 *)
( * ) ((+) 3 4) 5;; (* 35 *)
nigger language for niggertrannies who need a distraction from what they inherently are

I've considered learning OCaml a few times. Even started a bit some 15 years back. What would I get out of it? It's functional, but is it a better form of functional than say Haskell or scheme?
What makes OCaml special?

Why should I learn camel lang? Not a troll question. What does it do really well? I know that haxe lang is written in ocaml.

SML > OCaml

OCaml will teach you both Functional programming (which in it self is very valuable). But it will also teach you about Type-oriented programming, which Haskell abstracts away from you quite a bit.

You'll learn a lot about how to manage complexity, and how to stop writing code that you need to fix/refactor. Sort of write once, it's correct forever (most FP languages offer this as well!)

I already use Haskell, why should I learn ocaml? For the mutability and objects that nobody ever uses?

We love all ML here.

Attached: 1659779976518775.gif (768x432, 566.02K)

It's far more practical than Haskell.

how do i get rich with ocaml?

Learn it.

ClojureScript is good, far better than JavaScript obviously. But I personally prefer ReasonML, esy is soooooo good.

if you want a practical ML, you would choose F#, not OCaml

.NET is dead. OCaml is still trucking along, just look at MirageOS and Reason + Esy

Why is this garbage language now shilled here all the time? Do you have OCD, OP?

You're delusional

f# is heavily influenced by ocaml. part of the reason i'd like to learn ocaml
