I3 and minimalism are kind of bussin fr

i3 and minimalism are kind of bussin fr
no cap

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чтo ты выcpaл? пиздyй нa cocaч

>1950 packages

amount of packages you have on your system has no bearing on minimalism. do you even know what minimalism is? disk is cheap, you could have a billion packages and stlil be minimal.

wrong and dumb af

>i3 instead of dwm
>ubuntu instead of devuan
>bash instead of mksh or zsh
>neofetch instead of a simple posix sh script, like fet.sh or pfetch
>1950 packages
do YOU know what minimalism is?
>disk is cheap, you could have a billion packages and stlil be minimal.
that's not what being minimal is about. that's zoomer consoomer mentality. minimalism is about being simple, concise, using only the absolute necessary to have a functioning structure, while still being useful. no, user, you DON'T need ubuntu, you DON'T need neofetch, you DON'T need any of that bloated crap.

see also:

>see also:

Attached: 1659768912274399.png (645x973, 49.94K)

Not an argument.

Can someone explain to a Windows pedestrian what the fuck a package is

>Can someone explain to a Windows pedestrian what the fuck a package is
A package can be quite a lot of things. Debian's package repository includes:

fonts (packages.debian.org/bullseye/fonts-noto)

compilers (packages.debian.org/bullseye/golang)

utilities (packages.debian.org/bullseye/maim)

shared libraries (packages.debian.org/bullseye/libpng16-16)

etc.—it's a broad pool.


>see also:

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That is not minimalist. Minimalism would be a 400 package gentoo + dwm install.
The word youre looking for is simplicity, which is also a good thing. I wish minimalism and simplicity were a little more hand in hand on Unix systems, most minimalist solutions are contrived as shit (again, dwm)

literary me

>you DON'T need neofetch
why installing something when GNU/Leenuk has this shit build in, here is your neofetch minimal:
neo() {
pacman -Q | wc -l
uname -r
uptime -p
gnome-shell --version
nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name --format=csv,noheader
grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo
free -m

nooooo where are my gfx and colors?!

Package is the thing that you download using a package manager, examples of package managers are apt (ubuntu), dnf (fedora), pacman (archlinux), flatpak (distro-agnostic).

Neofetch --stdout

OP for the love of anything you consider sacred, please fucking install any other distro. Install Hannah Montana Linux if you must, but not fucking ubuntu

yes, what is the problem?
I need software to do my work
minimalism is not taking away things to make pointless unusable system

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact "World of Linux," or as I refer to it, "Linux Fantasy XIV." Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather a role-playing game around which those with no accomplishments can desperately form some sort of identity. You start off with your OS in an incomplete state, then you perform easily searchable, tedious manual quests trying to piece it together into something that is barely functional for a small set of tasks. Other Linux players congratulate you on playing the game and on your level progression, giving you a real sense of accomplishment for your virtual progress.

If you thought you were getting a real OS, you just don't understand Linux.


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