I hate this useless motherfucker

I hate this useless motherfucker.

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russia ukraine war is not his fault

Nothings Built
Nothings Back
Nothings Better

As if "the other guy" would have prevented this from happening.

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Hush, cunt


I feel bad for him having to clean up after donnie dumfuck then get the blame for it.

It's funny watching all you low-income rednecks freak out about gas going up a bit. I living just fine. Probably because I have a good job and I'm not wasting my life joining the army, working at a gas station or masturbating 16 hours a day.

You have to be trolling. You can’t be this fucking retarded.

The whole world hates YOU moron.
Stupid, uneducated, fat shithead.

I have a good job too, you liberal dipshit. This country sucks balls now thanks to the dementia patient you voted for.

you mean trump?

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^^^This guy is a cunt

MFer is lucky he’ll live through one term.

how dare you come in here and tell truths

Biden sucks but he was still the better choice in '20. He's getting the Carter treatment from thepeople that own everything because they simply want to pay no taxes. They got Reagan installed and another Republican will get installed in '24 and the recession will suddenly disappear.

Back to your mom’s basement, asswipe

I don't think collecting beer cans for recycling is a good job. You should probably kill yourself instead of crying about how expensive everything is.

We’ll, you can all log off now. The stupidest comment of the day has been posted. No one will top this.

if you think the country can suddenly start sucking balls after only 2 years of a single president then i have news for you: it was sucking balls way before that

What a lousy comeback. Try harder, faggot.

"We hate rich establishment old white males". Have a plethora of candidates to choose from. Select rich, most establishment, oldest white male of all of them. Calls other people stupid..

It's a worldwide problem you pissface crybaby.

But it wasn’t, you fucking useless sheep

It had to have been better to get worse under "the 2nd guy", right?

I don't need to. It's not nice to pick on those less fortunate so I will leave you alone. I hope you can afford bread again someday. Lol.

most republishits do
russians too

Every bad thing that has happened is because of the left’s policies. If you voted for this old shithead, congrats! Your a fucking idiot.

Holy shit, fuck off already.


Both sides hate him you cuck

he spanked your shit lol

Eat a dick

>both sides=Republicunts

What a fucking moron.
Everything bad that has happened is because of the lying, cheating, braindead republicunts.
Assholes just like you.
YOU are a stupid, lying piece of shit.

Dude’s a fucking lib retard. I win by default.


fucking rekt

>it was sucking balls way before that
This is objectively false and yes Biden is THE reason everything is utter shit right now. It's not a coincidence that everything immediately started going south the micro-second Biden became "president".

Cry harder, idiot

Another one of these braindead threads. Politics is normie shit and you're a dumb fucking nigger. You don't have friends so you subject us do your dumb assed drivel. I hope you die after losing everything you love in life. You will never be loved, liked, or even tolerated. Everyone just wants you to fuck off and die.

>I win by being a drooling republimoron
lol ok

>rent free


butthurt republishit detected

Name one thing that has gotten better under Biden. I’ll wait, cocksucker.

it's pootin's fault

aids infested tranny detected

passed a 1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill


>durr tranny tranny
there are no trannies here
that's weak republishart

I can smell a Putin poster from 5 websites away. The fuck is going on in here with this filth?

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>muh scapegoat
I'm now of the belief that the president literally does nothing but serve as the fall guy

LOL. Great accomplishment. You Dems are fucking retards.

>1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill
As usual the left cannot help themselves with their lies. The "infrastructure" bill was nowhere close to that amount.

>there are no trannies here
Wrong, you're a tranny. Now get the fuck out.

You're right. I'm sure you're busy. You need to find some work to help pay for dinner and maybe a place to stay tonight. Good luck!

>you're retarded for accomplishing things
lol okayyyy

Kek, listen to the tyranny cosplay as cis

>Russia "invades" a small country.
Gets blamed for complete financial collapse of the world.

it's not true about russians, most of them don't care, but there's definitely a bunch of 'AmericaIsGuityOfEverything' idiots that hate him and USA... but it doesn't stop them from using iPhones fir example

+15 rules


linked up above trump turd
shut up

holy fucking summertime.

>durr ura twanny MOMMY HES A TWANNY I MAD

It would be amazing if he was useless. He's actively destroying our prosperity.

and a living is eeeasyyy

The bill that Biden signed was not for that amount you dumbass. Do you think this is your kikebook feed where you can get away with posting fake bullshit?