Why did republicans do this?

Why did republicans do this?

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because they lost

Because they've despaired of democracy.


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People were upset about how the election was handled.

you mean a normal election process?
that they disagreed with the outcome of?
that's a reason to be seditious?

you're a retard

How was the election handled?

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I thought that protests were the 'voice of the oppressed' and that if it made you uncomfortable that that was just the point and you should check your privilege?

Why not

>How was the election handled?
like this

Attached: 0aya0uakeea61.jpg (2000x1417, 724.04K)

you mean you're not allowed to protest? Not their fault there was no security there and they let em in. Forget about BLM burning down innocent people's businesses?

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> "Normal election"
Go back under your rock idiot, the 2020 election was fucked up and that is fact. People flipped out because a fuckton of evidence was being denied, ignored, or hidden.

Disagreeing with and outcome =/= not being able to trust the system at all.

Thats not a response
Those are not real pictures
Biden won the most populist counties. Small redneck counties are not worth the same as major city counties

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>Go back under your rock idiot, the 2020 election was fucked up and that is fact.

As in, a FACT.

Attached: 2000Mules01.webm (640x360, 1.65M)

Can I get a sauce for this?

Looks like a case of McRib rage


It kind of pisses me off that ignorant faggots who think food comes from replicators in the back of Whole Foods end up making policy for those of us who actually grow that food.

>People flipped out because a fuckton of evidence was being denied, ignored, or hidden.
when this shit is entirely ignored as if it never existed, yes, people get upset.

Attached: 2000Mules02.webm (640x360, 1.24M)

Not that user, and not a Burger, but that sounds discriminatory. Especially as (as far as I can tell) the US presidential election is not meant to be a popular vote.

>Can I get a sauce for this?

What a tard

>US capitol building
Fucking kek

>burning down
like these niggers burning down a police station and shooting it up

so trump supporters let some random guy convince them to riot?

most corrupt US presidential election in history

Attached: 2000Mules03.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

>why did republicans do this

Yes, let forget the 3 months where democrates held hands with niggers and literal communists and then proceeded to burn down cities all across america.

"The evil republicans need to be stopped!"

Kill yourself

>dindu nuffin
absolute cancer, hope they all get flogged to death

>the US presidential election is not meant to be a popular vote
Majority rules, that's the whole idea of an election. Rednecks do not make up the majority and we are not gonna change that just because people were mad trump lost. Maybe the republican party should try appealing to a larger demographic

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Because the political establishment has failed

how so tard?

That's their evidence? Fucking kek

Do you not understand your own countries electoral system? They explicitly rigged it so that it would not and could not be a popular vote. IIRC they wrote extensively about why it should not be a straight up popular vote.

They're gullible.
I remember them getting goaded on with things like "our tax monies pay for this. It's not trespassing" on Any Forums and they believed them.

>Asks if there were undercover feds at the capitol on January 6th
>Provides no evidence suggesting there were undercover feds at the capitol on January 6th
Republicans were so proud of the capitol riot when it happened

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