Welcome to modern web development

Welcome to modern web development

Attached: ju.png (1230x694, 81.87K)

You are boring


yep, and you zoomers caused it. happy now?

I just use vanilla JS / web components. I don't even use HTML. HTML is just like programming in XML.

>web components
what is that? a js library you include in the HTML?

how do you handle the responsiveness of the website and that jazz? pure CSS?

I don't use HTML, I make the page in JavaScript only using dom methods like document.createElement('p') but with some helper methods to make that easier. Web components is a native DOM API to allow CSS to be scoped to just your component.

sounds interesting

do you have a working example I could see?

That's going to create a memory leak when the component gets unmounted.


>memory leak
kek how?


looks alright but isn't it too simplistic? doesnt have the power of Vue/ React/ Angular

could never make a website with this i think

Sorry, I meant if he uses the state to conditionally perform some action after initiating the operation or if he forgets to do the check. The proper way to do this is to manually cancel all your queries/subscriptions.

It has the power of greyskull.


Thanks, looks nice

Attached: The-Power-of-Grayskull-24-x-18-updated-677x381.jpg (677x381, 85.36K)

const city = span('Brisbane');

which turns to

>lets use JS to generate HTML

why not use templated pages for each page?


cuz they have to justify their salaries somehow

>could never make a website with this i think
If you cannot make a website with JavaScript but can in react.You are a fucking payeet code monkey that doesnt understand shit .

>website with JavaScript
I can make one with HTML, JS and CSS. Now, using JS to generate HTML tags is stupid

This code is bullshit.
Why would you trigger a rerender just to inform component that it was mounted? There is literally no good reason to do that, and effects that will get triggered after first render will think the component has not mounted yet even though it had. The only reason to track whenever component had mounted(which is an antipattern by itself) is to prevent updating state of component after it was unmounted.

const mounted = useRef(false);

useEffect(() => {
mounted.current = true;
return () => {
mounted.current = false
}, []);

>The only reason to track whenever component had mounted(which is an antipattern by itself) is to prevent updating state of component after it was unmounted.
In English, doc

What are you talking about.

>Now, using JS to generate HTML tags is stupid
Every desktop UI framework (TKinter etc) use progrmaming language to make UI components, not HTML.

actually even React was initially pure JS and not JSX.