I can't fucking take it anymore. I don't know why anyone even bothers trying anything. It's all shit. Everything is...

I can't fucking take it anymore. I don't know why anyone even bothers trying anything. It's all shit. Everything is. My country sucks. The other countries suck, but you can't complain because people have it worse. I spend 12 years in school just to work myself to death for another 58? I have to make 3x the rent, have a good credit score, and I have to be okay with that? I have to register for the draft, pay taxes, and only be given a police force that i can't hate but i have to or else i'm racist, and make me terrified to just drive around town.

I'm so sick of everyone being so stuck up and smug, trapped in their own little reality which seems so much happier than mine. Therapy is useless, they won't put me on medications because I can't afford them, and I'm just stuck in a vicious cycle that never gets better. I'm going to die, fat, sad, and alone, because I have no drive or desire to acquire a mate after 19 years of disgust simply because they find me abrasive. I have no motivation to exercise because working makes me tired. I don't care if that means I'm lazy. I don't want to. I just want to be happy. I want it to be easy. Why shouldn't it? Why can't it? Why do commies have to be so retarded? Why are nazis so retarded?

All the while these morons who just got lucky spout bullshit to make us feel bad for not playing with a stacked deck. And somehow it's my fault that the climate is going insane because i have to commute to work, while these stupid niggers who make billions drive cars that guzzle 4 of my daily emissions just to cross town. I don't like anyone. It's all fucking superficial. Drink my booze and smoke my weed so I can fuck you and never talk to you again, don't call me, leave me alone. Just eat and smoke and sleep and cry like a dumb fucking faggot, spend every last dime just to make ends meet and feel like shit for buying yourself $5 of food.

And fuck you. Fuck you for sitting here, on this dumb ass site, and doing nothing. Just like me.

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This is mostly just unfiltered shitpost, and i'm so tired i can't even corehently put my thoughts together. i just feel super alone and like it won't matter.
also sorry if this isn't the kind of thing you guys like to see. i mostly just lurk and i'm scared of posting because i've had some retarded replies on some of my posts. sorry. sorry.

Just kill yourself jumping from a bridge or shooting yourself. Mostly you are right, everything is pure luck. Do you care about your family? If not, just go to everlasting peace

Ignorance is bliss, still, doing the right thing never hurt anybody.

I want to so badly. I don't care about my family. They're useless drug-addict degenerates who ignored me for most of my life and now want to be a part of it.
I almost want to keep living just to see if there's anything cool I do in the future. Maybe after the civil war in november I become a Shepard in wisconsin, shoveling fallout to make space for my flock

the most frustrating part is that the things i know about are useless. oh, good to know what happens in ten quintillion years, that'll be real good planning for the economy.
IS there a "right thing"? does it really matter if there is always going to be some darkie to rob a house, or a cracker to drive a car through a house?

Hope is the greatest evil, because it lures you to suffer even more in the future. Considering that you have nothing to worry about, just psych up, and end it all as quickly as possible.

so... that's it? how should i do it? this is my first suicide lol

There are a couple of ways:
1-Hanging is the easiest, you just make a slipknot (not a hangman's knot) and tie it firmly in such a way that your carotide artery is restricted. It is not necessary for your feet to be off the floor, just apply sufficient pressure there by kneeling and let the pressure make you pass out, you will eventualy suffocate and die.

If you have access to hand guns it will be even simpler, just aim at your temple and that's it. Never shoot at your mouth.

It will help if you are drugged or wasted, but don't let drugs make you unconscious or irrational.

And remember, suicides are mostly made on impulse, it is not a "rational" deed, you need to act rectlessly to do it.

Also, if there is a high enough building or cliff near you, try to gain access there and psych yourself up to jump from there. Head first.

I would recommend against jumping in front of trains and avoid overdoses.

why avoid overdoses? I hear opiate overdose is one of the most blissful ways to die if they don't catch you and send you to the hospital. if I were to chose how I died in a suicide I'd just shoot a load of smack.

You avoid overdoses because they are very ineffective.
You will most likely survive.

I'm not gonna read all that, so I'll just answer assuming you failed something you expected in life and now is upset.

See, everything is a social construct. It doesn't matter if you become have a Doctor title (anyone can become a doctor nowadays, see chiropractors and the like), or if you have a sports car (it will just take you from place A to place B by the end of the day, like any other car).
You're like 99% of people. Even millionaires can become depressed and question life's meaning.
As humans, we ALWAYS want more and we always compare ourselves with someone superior. It's ok, just be glad for them and enjoy things you have.

Of course, that doesn't mean giving up on your dreams or not having hobbies.

t. a depressed person who just accepted life as it is.

No let the sheep eat the fallout for florescent wool.



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I don't believe you.

This sounds about right.

Be more japanes then you faggot


fuck off dude. you're just causing more pain and suffering to this guy
suicide is not the solution. just improve your life by taking baby steps. since you have depression try doing some easy shit like making your bed or brushing your teeth to get more discipline. stop watching the fucking news and obssessing over how bad your country is and get a piece of paper and write down what you're grateful for every day. this will help you with your mental health. for exercise just start with some easy calisthenics, i reccommend looking up hybrid calisthenics on youtube and exercise for the mental health boost. also try to sleep more and get into a regular sleep schedule

I've read all your stupid whining. I understand OP society is shit, people are stupid and it's all devoid of purpose or meaning. Well, you are not the first person to experience this kind of pain, the world has always sucked, Socrates talked about it in his manuscripts, Nietzsche created a doctrine based on lack of purpose and meaning and the Stoics did it even earlier. The difference is that they have moved on despite the pain, the hatred and the lack of trust as you spend your time pussying on Any Forums. The only reason the Nazis and the comies are happy is because they live and have a """"" purpose """"", unlike you who want to kill yourself just because you are afraid to live.Inner peace is not granted for everyone , you have to fight for it.
TLDR: (once again) OP is pussy