Why is hebephilia not as widely accepted as the LGBTQ+ community...

Why is hebephilia not as widely accepted as the LGBTQ+ community? They even have a 'pride month' that literally celebrates them..

It's more normal to find teen girls attractive than wanting to identify yourself against nature and biology, so why doesn't society accept them?

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You’re a fucking creep and a faggot, and you should leave immediately you repulsive monster

Hypocrisy , also just to be clear I find both disgusting

Seethe you retarded niggers

Mmmm yes, leave immediately! He's so disgusting!!!

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Jesus fucking Christ that picture is so creepy

Bruh, he’s a pedo, how are YOU not seething? He’s a complete bastard

> literally says on the post hebephilia
> "he's a pedo!!"

Autistic dumbfuck detected

“Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent children who are in early adolescence, typically ages 11–14 and showing Tanner stages 2 to 3 of physical development”

I don’t care about the nuance, that’s some fucked up pedophilia to me. Contact with minors that age is child abuse and extremely illegal.

And you’re the one insulting me right now, lol. A potential Chomo is a potential Chomo regardless of how you spin it, or split hairs over exact definitions and the “type” of illegal sexual behaviour

Age of consent should be 14+

It wasn't like that always..

Industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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In fairness I’m pretty it is 14 in some countries, but that’s reallllllly pushing it, and their are still generally legal protections against abuse of authority etc.

And 14 is barely within the boundaries of Hebephilia, an otherwise horrible and repulsive form of pedophilia directed at older children which literally nobody should tolerate in anyway

Cause we want you to die.

Lol yeah, in the glorious 17th century England, a wonderful century of international slavery as well.

I mean cmon man, we’re talking about children here, the age of consent was raised for a REASON to greater emphasize sex as something consenting adults agree to.

The fact that people used to marry girls that young is just abusive fast life-strategy cringe

Kids are sexy and beautiful,
Adults are dead ass niggers.

Fruitarians are eternal children whom never get sick, they know what others are feeling, they can third eye commune with all life, and they smell great.

Heaven is the future where we are all fruitarian pedos. And aliens are us time travellers from said heaven.

This world is a holographic AI projection.

Praise God!

How about no dude.
Think about what you are saying. Are you psychotic or on psychedelics right now?

Based asf jfc

It's natural to find teen girls around 12 sexually attractive

Most woman start menstruation at 12 its literally more natural than fucking someone at 18

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I really really really really don’t agree at all one bit, nope